All Mankind And New-religion
Of All The Religions
Below are some prayers that have been categorized for quick reference. These prayers are compiled from all three books of AMAN. For occasions that are not listed below, refer to the books of AMAN.
An Index of Prayers from all the books of AMAN can be found here.
Information about Prayers
A prayer is an expression to God Almighty, where we convey our needs and desires with the hope they will be granted. Although God is aware of our needs, we must still pray and ask for them to be fulfilled. This is because humans have free will, and the heavens will not intervene unless we seek their help.
Prayers can be categorized into four groups:
Prayers of protection: Seeking protection from evil forces, spirits, vibrations, souls, creatures, etc.
Prayers of help: Seeking assistance in times of difficulty, such as finding a job, starting a business, overcoming bad habits, or raising a family.
Prayers of comfort: Seeking physical or mental comfort during times of sickness or grief.
Prayers of thanks and worship: Expressing gratitude and love for God, seeking His blessings and love in return.
The good Spirit World always intends to grant any prayer. However, if a prayer is not granted promptly, it may be because it was deemed unnecessary or not beneficial for the person praying or their family. In such cases, one should be grateful and thank God for not granting the prayer, as it was not in their best interest.
Some prayers are considered non-grantable by God, such as:
Negative prayers: Asking for punishment or revenge on others, as humans cannot make fair judgments.
Prayers of forgiveness and repentance: These are not considered prayers because every wrong act has consequences that the individual must face.
Prayers for material gains and luxuries: These ask for more than what one needs and are not valid reasons for the heavens to grant them.
Prayers need to be protected and powered:
Protected prayers: Arranged by God to reach the good Spirit World only.
Powered prayers: Authorized by God for certain angels to grant, decline, or carry to higher angels. All prayers of New-religion are protected and powered so it is important to pray them verbatim, even if part of it does not apply.
When composing your own prayer, be specific about what you want, include an offering, and ask God to grant it if it will be beneficial to you and / or your family in short or long run. It is advisable to pray a protection prayer first to ensure it reaches the good Spirit World.
We must do our part to the fullest extent possible and not leave everything to God. For example:
Asking God to help pass an exam without studying enough.
Asking God to cure an ailment without taking available treatments.
This shifts the responsibility from the individual to God.
What happens while you pray
God Almighty has instructed souls and angels of the heavens to be present when we call or pray to Him. These souls and angels listen to our prayers and carry them to the appropriate angel. Depending on the situation, these prayers may be granted, declined, or put aside for a time. Most prayers do not need to reach God directly, as many angels are empowered to grant them.
Since souls and angels attend our prayer sessions, it is important to maintain proper decorum. This includes staying focused and not interrupting or abruptly ending the session (e.g., by taking a phone call or talking to someone).
Procedure for praying
Prayers should be said either standing or sitting.
The ideal procedure for praying, as given from the heavens, is as follows:
Connect to God Almighty: This can be done by thinking “God, I love you” or saying a protection prayer in your mind. The following steps should be said aloud.
Welcome the angels: A simple welcome could be: “Welcome all you angels to live in this house. Love of good angels and love of Almighty God are the only things we will always need. Please be with us, protect us, bless us, and guide us.”
Recite your prayers.
Thank the angels: After praying, thank the angels for coming, listening, and carrying your prayers to God Almighty. This acknowledges the conclusion of the session and allows them to leave before you do.
Prayers can be said at any time of day or night, except those specifically designed for a particular time.
When making offerings to God, remember that anything material is already His. Therefore, material offerings serve no purpose. Good offerings to show our devotion to God are those with spiritual value, such as trying harder to live in peace, helping others, and spreading God’s messages. Offerings should be made with devotion, as a service to God, and not as a bargaining tool.
Spreading God’s messages should be done by those with enough and correct knowledge of God and His kingdom. If one does not possess this knowledge, they should share their experiences of their prayers being granted.
Daily Prayers
Daily prayers are those that can be prayed by anyone on any given day. They are not specific to an individual’s needs or wants and can be prayed at any time.
For example, a prayer like: “God, I love You. Please keep me very close to You and protect me against all evil” is considered a daily prayer. In contrast, a prayer like “God Almighty, please give me a job” is not a daily prayer, as those who have a job would not say it.
It is good for everyone to have a set of daily prayers. If unable to pray the entire set on some occasions (e.g., if you are unwell), at least one prayer should be prayed from this set.
Collective prayers
A collective prayer is when two or more people pray the same prayers together. The power of the prayer is greater when prayed collectively because each person is surrounded by their own loving souls, angels, and spirit guides. When more people participate, all their angels get involved, adding power to the prayer and helping it get answered faster.
It is not necessary for a collective prayer to be prayed from the same location. We can make use of technologies like Zoom, Facetime, Teams, Whatsapp and other such platforms to enable a group to pray collectively.
It is a good practice for families to pray collectively on a regular basis so that the whole family receives blessings from multiple angels, creating better harmony in the family.
Praying for others
One should avoid praying for specific outcomes for others, as we cannot be certain of their desires, and our prayers might create a conflict. Instead, it is better to pray in a way that supports their own prayers, adding power to what they are already asking for. However, prayers of protection and comfort can be safely prayed for others, as these do not conflict with their wishes or prayers.
Additionally, you can pray for others when they are unable to pray for themselves. Examples include:
A child who is below the age of reasoning.
Someone who is very sick and cannot pray.
Someone struggling to return to God’s path.
Praying for protection of property
Whenever you acquire a new item, such as a car, personal effects, or household items, it’s beneficial to ask God to remove any negativity from it while touching the item. For larger properties like a house or land, it’s helpful to walk around the boundary, touching it and asking God to protect your property. This practice helps the Spirit World understand what to protect when you pray for the safety of your property.