All Mankind And New-religion
Of All The Religions

Books of Aman
The scriptures of New-religion have been handed down from the heavens through the three books of AMAN (All Mankind And New-religion). The passages in these books have been received in the format of prayers. Any person can read and pray the prayers from any of these books in any particular order.
These three books are verbatim as received from God and His angels, and no changes have been made. Anyone may download them for free. However, it is imperative that no changes are made to any content. [Note that in New-religion, the term “messengers” refers to priests and the term “prophets” refers to high-priests.]
It is to be understood that although all passages are in the format of prayers, some only contain information, which are to be taken as messages from the heavens. Some are prayers that we can actually pray to meet our needs and lastly, some are a combination of both (i.e. they are prayers to be said, but also contain messages from the heavens).
The set of AMAN books is designed to prevail from the start of the new millennium till the time the world becomes as God had originally planned: That is, very peaceful and harmonious. As you will read the books you will find that there are some passages that are no longer relevant, some that are relevant for the present times and others that will be relevant in the future.
1. AMAN Of All The Religions
This book contains prayers and information intended for general purposes.
To download a copy, please click here.
2. Good Rules For The Good Messengers Of God
This book contains prayers that are used by messengers, however many of these prayers can be prayed by anyone.
To download a copy, please click here.
3. The Good Book For All The Prophets To Have
This book contains advanced prayers that elaborate further on spiritual concepts, however many of these prayers can
be prayed by anyone.
To download a copy, please click here.
Going through the three books of Aman, please ignore the capitalization of the words. The instructions were not to capitalize any words except the ones at the start of a sentence. However, the writers capitalized certain words out of respect. For example: ‘God Almighty’ and ‘Spirit World.’”
For information and categories on prayers, please click here.
Other books received from the heavens
The books listed below are compiled by some auto-writers and/or groups of auto-writers. These auto-writers have received messages and prayers from the good Spirit World which they want to share. These books do not form a part of the set of AMAN books.
It is the wish of the heavens that all those who receive messages from the heavens do share them with others. This way more people can get access to more messages of the heavens. Different people receive messages from different groups of angels and sometimes the messages are expressed in different ways. Even though at times we may feel that the information is more or less similar, it may contain one or two thoughts that may be expressed in a different way which may help us to understand some ideas more clearly. Any information given by the angels is to the extent that God permits.