All Mankind And New-religion
Of All The Religions

Prayers relating to Good Vibrations
Prayer for those who are in need of guidance of God and His ways and this is to be said only at the NIGHT time – remember to take care and not pray this prayer during the day –
God please grant and please God lend me a good angel as I am a good soul and I want to do a lot to help others and I can’t do this if I am open to the evil forces attacking me and so God I ask You for protection against the evil forces and against all the evil of the evil world and this will help me a lot to do better and to give good vibrations and also to be able to get closer to You.
Prayer for those who are in need of the light of God –
God please give me Your light to light a way for me to help all those who need help and now that the world needs Your light the most, and let Your light shine above all the others and till there be peace on earth – now that Your light will shine let there be peace on earth that all can live peacefully and let there be good vibrations and let there be a lot of good souls to bring out the best in all of us.
Prayer for those who are not in the habit of saying their prayers in a public place like in proper political circles and in places that are also God’s well wishers of different kind and of different religions and some may think this as sin putting all your prayers in front of people who do not understand the formalities of the prayer of one’s own religion and this can happen to lot of people of all religions and beliefs –
God please give me a thought to go out and let all know of Your existence and Your ways and Your laws and God I am willing to take risk and a chance where people may laugh at me and not believe me and I will have to depend on You for putting some thoughts to those people and even more than that I must depend on miracles of Your kingdom so that all those who laugh stop laughing and start taking seriously what is being explained to them and God please make the miracle very strong so that all the doubts can be removed as soon as possible and for those who are in the habit of making a lot of problems and for those who are planting bad thoughts in the minds of others please destroy them once and for all so that those who have started to receive the bad thoughts can stop if not by faith then at least by fear for I will tell all to put their trust in You and in Your ways and I want that more good vibrations are created to protect all the good people of the earth and that all can live in peace.
Prayer to put good vibrations to protect you from friends who wish to harm you –
Please God protect us from all – put good vibrations where all of us good people stay – keep all bad thoughts and bad people far from us.
Prayer of going and getting good at all times –
God please help me become only good and nothing else but good so please let me know the ways of doing this so that I can go and spread only good vibrations at all times.
Prayer of good people to stay only good –
God please help only good people to stay only good so please help all good people always to remain good so that only good people can become the force of energy and good vibrations so please help me God.
A very good and a very powerful prayer for all to say – this is to be said mainly by those who have no more prayers of comforts to say – meaning they have stopped saying prayers of comfort for long time now and are in God’s world and want to say only prayers for spreading good vibrations –
God please give me good thoughts so God I can have only good in my mind and God it is the only way that can make me do the good deeds to make others happy and God if I can make others happy then more good vibrations can be created and these are always required no matter what and God if I have these then I will not be in a position to do anything that is not of Your ways and good deeds will not only help me to spread even more happiness but it will actually create a helping hand which all of us require at some point in our lives so God please grant me this prayer and let more good vibrations do more good for all the people of the earth and God I think that this is one of the best way to be able to create not only very good vibrations but also make people live in peace with one another and God I will do my best to help all to be able to give out as much of good vibrations as they can.
Prayer for all to say so that they are in a good habit of saying all the good prayers on a very regular basis –
God please give me an angel who will keep on reminding me to say my prayer on a very regular basis and by that I mean at every possible opportunity and even if it means more than ten times a day and God I want to keep on saying good prayers for the reason that I get everything that I want and need and also for the reason that this is the only way to spread good vibrations.
Prayer for all to say when all are not doing anything in particular and want that some good occupation will be good for all and so want to say some prayers only for the reason of creating good vibrations and nothing else –
God we are saying this prayer so that good vibrations can be created and God we all need these so very much and God good vibrations can be created only by those who are good and God I think I am good and God I am also at a good level of understanding of all Your ways and God I am certain that I can create very good vibrations so help me God.
Prayer for all to say when they want to do a good deed to others and they want to do this only to spread happiness and so that there can be more good vibrations and for that reason only and they do not wish others to know that they are giving good helping hand –
God please give me a good angel so that I can spread a lot of happiness and God I want to do this only for the reason of spreading good vibrations and also for spreading Your good messages and God I can only spread Your messages through someone who is aware of all of these and so God please get me a good angel’s help to find someone who is on Your ways to a very good level of understanding so that I can spread more and more good vibrations and God I do not want that I get any credit for this because I am not actually able to earn this so my God please let all my doings be known only as good doings of a good soul and not by me even if I have put whole of my fortune into spreading of Your messages and good vibrations so be it my God.
Prayer for the good souls to say when there are bad people around and when this good soul is tempted to do work in good environment with bad people and when this soul also risks of earning a very bad name –
God please give me a very good team leader very soon because all the people with whom I am working have bad ways and I know that few people who were good are also bad now only because they were put in a situation to do bad things not only by the whole team but also by the team leader and God it is my understanding that a good team leader can change everything and God I want to remain good and I want to help all the good people which I am not able to do in this environment and God I want a good team leader soon as I feel that those who were good and have now become bad will revert to their good old ways and will do their best to become good once more and God this will also help us to generate very good vibrations so please help me God.
Prayer for good God Almighty to pray for Prepropran –
Please help me good God to go and get a good understanding of Your ways of Prepropran so now good vibrations only remain on good earth and good God’s good universe.
(Prepropran means to help people on earth to go and get good ways of experiencing good God’s energies – Prepropran also goes to heavens so that people in heavens also Prepropran.)
Prayer for people on earth to go and pray for people’s progress spiritually on good earth –
Please help me good God Almighty to progress spiritually and to go and help each other in my prayers to go get good vibrations at all times on good earth.
Prayer for people on earth to go and pray for all people on earth –
Please help me good God Almighty to go pray for people on earth to go ahead and have good vibrations at all good times on earth
Prayer for having good God’s help to go ahead and spread good God’s vibrations to happy people who now need extra vibrations to fulfil their lives –
Please help me good God Almighty to go and get good God’s help to progress spiritually so now only happy people on earth get good vibrations so that good people on earth have a good help from one another at all good God’s time on earth.
Prayer for people on earth to go and say to other people on earth to help each other at all times –
Please help me good God Almighty to help good people on good earth so that now only people on earth go and get good God’s help to go and get more and more good vibrations.
Prayer for people on earth to help each other with good God’s vibrations –
Please help me good God Almighty to go and spread my good vibrations so that good people on earth can have some good vibrations
Good prayers of good God’s help in helping people to pass on good God’s vibrations –
Please help all people on earth good God Almighty to pass on Your good vibrations so that now only prayers can have good vibrations.
Prayer for people on earth to say on good occasions for helping others to get good God’s vibrations like for instance helping others to have a good happy life on earth –
(Prayer for people on earth now have good sources of good vibrations for example hugging someone in need of help or having a good help in helping a loved one to have good vibrations by having good help of getting good sex)
Please help me good God to go and spread good vibrations so now only people on earth are in the need of having prayers so now please help me my good God Almighty to go and get good sources of energy.
Prayer for people on earth to have good thoughts at all times –
Please help all people on earth good God Almighty to go ahead and find good vibrations at all good times on earth so that now only people with good clean vibrations can have good sources of energy
Prayer for all people on earth to go and help each other at all times so that now only people on earth have good habits of going outside and having good people’s vibrations only –
Please help me good God Almighty to have a good understanding of the heavens so that now only people with good God’s good vibrations have the only opportunity to have a good, good happy life on earth so now only people on good earth have good places of prayer.
Prayer of people on earth to pray for the people to go get good God’s help to pray for creating good positive vibrations –
Please help me good God Almighty to have good vibrations so that good people on earth come closer to me.
Prayer for all people on earth to say for other people on earth –
Please help me good God Almighty to pray prayers of a good God’s help to get good vibrations from the heavens
Prayer for all people to say when good people on earth have nobody to pray with –
Please help me good God Almighty to have a person of good vibrations to help me pray good prayers to good God Almighty.
Prayer for all people on earth to help each other now to help each other to create only good and positive vibrations –
Please help me good God Almighty only to go and create good and positive vibrations so now only people who go and create positive vibrations have the only say on earth.
Prayer for all people on earth now only to go and pray for Aman to become good and divine –
Please help me good, good Aman only to create good and positive vibrations so now only people on earth now go and pray for all people on earth so now only the good people of the earth go and get good Aman’s help at all good times
Prayer for people to pray for all helpers on earth to say on days of helping a person to have a good God’s help –
Please help me good God Almighty to go and do good God’s help on earth so that now only people with good God’s good vibrations can get closer at good times on earth.
Prayer for all people on earth to go and get good energies at all times –
Please help me good God Almighty to go and get only good God’s help to have good vibrations at all times on earth.
Prayer for people on earth to say during good occasions of getting good vibrations like for instance getting good prayers on good days –
Please help me good God Almighty to go and do good at all times so now only people of a good God’s help goes and gets good sources of good God’s help.
Prayer for all people on earth to help good helpers in the heavens to come and help them to go and get good sources of good God’s energies –
Please help me good God Almighty to have good vibrations around me at all times on earth so that now only the good God’s energies go and help me to go and get good God’s help at all times.
Prayer for all people on earth to go and get good vibrations –
Please help me good God Almighty to go and get good help from Your good helpers at all times so good people on earth have only good vibrations at all times.
Prayer for people on earth to help good people on earth to go and get good God’s vibrations at all times on earth –
Please help me good God Almighty to go and progress properly on earth so that now only people with only good sources of energies go and help me to get good.
Prayer for all to say for a quicker way to be able to get themselves to make more and more good vibrations –
God please give me a good way of making more good vibrations and God if there is any way to create more good vibrations in some ways that are not very hard then God please show us the way to be able to do that and God we understand that if we all help those who are good and if we all help those who are struggling to keep their families happy then the rewards will be of the high order of earthly good orders and we all want to give a good helping hand to all who want to do a lot for their families so God please make me do a lot to help those who are in need of this help and God please guide these families to me for I will do all my best to make all very comfortable and God I promise this only to the extent of my own means and nothing more.
Prayer for people on earth to say if they need good God’s protection in their time on earth –
Please good God Almighty please protect me against all the evil sources of energy so that good vibrations are the only source of energy around me at good times on earth.
Prayer for all people on earth to go and get good sources of energies if only places on earth do not go and get only good vibrations – (Pray this prayer only for places which do not have good God’s energies so now only pray this prayer under this situation.)
Please help me good God Almighty to now go and protect my prayers in Your Spirit World because now my prayers have no strong place on earth which have good God’s vibrations – please help me good God to go and get a good God’s help to go and find a place of good prayer and if prayers do not get good God’s help in going and getting a good God’s protection then my prayers go to the devil.
Prayer for all people on earth to grow spiritually to help each other so that now only people on earth have good places of worship now so good people go and create good God’s vibrations so that now only places of good God’s vibrations go and get good –
Please help me good, good God Almighty – please help all people on earth to pray prayers of good God’s nature on earth so that now only people of good God’s nature know that this good God’s nature is now only going to be good way of happening of the good God’s vibrations from other people so please help all people on earth to create positive good vibrations so that now only people on earth have good God’s happiness on earth and also in the Spirit World at all times.
Prayer for people on earth so praying goes and gets only good God’s good vibrations –
Please help me good God Almighty so praying good prayers only go and get good sources of energy.
Prayer for all people on earth only to go and get good, good vibrations so that now they get good God’s help to create good energy –
Please help me good God Almighty only to pray prayers of a good God’s help so that good people on earth need only help for praying good prayers so please help me good Almighty God.
Prayer for people on earth so that now good vibrations go and get only good –
Please help me good God Almighty to pray so that now prayers of a good God’s nature goes and gets a good help from the heavens – please help me good God Almighty to have a good understanding of Your ways so that now only prayers of good God’s vibrations go and get good only.
Prayer for people on earth to go and get good God’s help to create good God’s vibrations –
Please help me good God Almighty to go and create good vibrations at all good times on earth.
Prayer for people on earth to go and pray for all people so now only people on earth go and get only good, good God’s vibrations – (this prayer has to be prayed only when there are good vibrations – good, strong vibrations are created by the person who is praying.) –
Please help me good God Almighty to go pray for all people on earth so now only people on earth go and get only good sources of good God’s energies so now only people on good earth go and get only good.
Prayer for all people on earth to go and do good only –
Please help me good God Almighty to create only good God’s vibrations so now only people on earth go and get good vibrations at all times.
Prayer for all people on earth to go get all good vibrations from the heavens above at all times –
Please help me good God Almighty to go get only good God’s help at all times so that people from the heavens only go and help people on earth and only help people who need their help
Prayer for people on earth to have good understanding of the divine good nature of good existence –
Please help me good God Almighty to go and get good God’s help to understand all of Your know-how so good vibrations on earth have an ultimate say on my existence.
Prayer for people on earth to go and pray for all people on this planet –
Please help people of this planet good God Almighty so good vibrations go and get stronger and powerful at all times on good earth.
Prayer for all people on earth to help each other at all good times –
Please help me good God Almighty to only pray good prayers so that now good people on earth have only good vibrations and are only sources of good God’s energies.
Prayer for all people on earth to pray for all people on earth at good times –
Please help me good God Almighty to go and create only good God’s vibrations so that now only good God’s helpers are on my side.
Prayer for each person to go and say when they know that now only the bad vibrations are coming and going to destroy the good vibrations –
Please help me good God Almighty to help all people on earth to have only good God’s help at all times so that now only good God’s helpers go and do good only.
Prayer for all people now to pray only for Aman –
Please good God Aman now You are only good – please help all people on earth only to become good sources of good God’s good vibrations and good sources of good God’s help to all people on earth.
Prayer for all people on earth to only have proper prayers so that now Aman gets only good, good vibrations –
Please help me good God Aman to pray proper prayers so that now good God’s vibrations are only good and get only strong.
Prayer for all people on earth only to help all people on earth to help good God’s vibrations to go and get God’s help from the heavens –
Please help me good God Aman now only to help all people on earth to help all people to have good God’s help to only go and get the good, good vibrations only so now no person on earth needs to take any produce of the bad vibrations from now onwards.
Prayer for all people on earth to help each other to go and get only good God’s help so now only people of good spiritual natures only have good God’s help to go and get good God’s nature to help each other because now only good God’s natures have the only say on Perjorap and people who do not have good God’s nature go and get bad vibrations even if they are good God’s people –
Please help all people on earth good God Almighty to help each other now so that good people only have good God’s good, good vibrations because now only people of good God’s help go and need good people on earth to have a good God’s nature of kindness and generosity good God Almighty so that now prayers of these good people go and help each other because now if people go and create bad vibrations because of their natures then they create distance from You my God.
Prayer for all people on earth only to have good and safe sex so now no bad vibrations go and get good God’s help to go and create any problems in your spiritual lives on earth –
Please help me good God Aman now only to help each other to help all good God’s helpers so now only the good, good vibrations go and get a good God’s help to go and get a good understanding.
Prayer for people on earth to have proper sex on earth so that now no bad vibrations are created due to sex –
Please help me good God Almighty so that I have sex only if it so prays – please help me good God to know what good vibrations are created so that having sex is now only the way of getting close to You my lord.
Prayer for people on earth to have good prayers for sex –
Please help me good God Almighty to have good sex so that now only the good vibrations from having sex are the only source of good God’s energies.
Prayer for people on earth to go and get good God’s help at all times –
Please help me good God Almighty to go get good partners of love so that now good sex is prayers of good vibrations.
Prayer for all people to say while going to have sex on a popular basis –
Please help me good God Almighty to have good sex with this person so that now only persons of good vibrations have good sex with each other from now onwards.
Prayer for all people on earth to have good sex so that now only good people are going to be born on earth –
Please help me good God Almighty to have good sex and create only good vibrations from having good sex so that now only having good sex can create good God’s offsprings.
Prayer for having good basic principles for having good God’s sex on earth –
Please help me good God Almighty for having good sex so that now good energies on earth only get good so that now only prayers for having good strong basic principles for having sex should be going to get close to You my good God.
Prayer for people to pray when they finish having sex –
Please help me good God Almighty to know if good God’s vibrations were created and if they were not You guide me please so that now only good God’s vibrations go and get created whenever I have sex.
Prayer for people on earth so that praying during and after sex now possible –
Please grant me the help of Your good God’s angels good God Almighty so that now only good God’s vibrations are created during and after sex.
Prayer for all people on earth to go and pray for having good and clean sex so that now a good offspring can be good –
Please bring a good soul to good earth good God Almighty so that now only the good, good vibrations from us have gone and got good vibrations from You my good God Almighty.
Prayer –
God please give all a good prophet’s help to get introduced to the good book Aman and God we feel that reading this book means nothing and yet we are told that this is the most important book ever written so God we all are so very confused and we do not have any idea of what is going to happen and God this is going to be very important for all of us because we are told that this book is the only source of good vibrations and God this is because God the book contains all the good prayers of comforts and this book gives us all the information that Your light has given to all and God this will be the only book for all to have and God reading the prayers will be a very important thing only because we do not want any bad vibrations and God we also understand that any bad vibrations can be totally destroyed by reading this prayer book of Aman and God still we do not know and God we do not understand how this will happen and how this will work because we have not seen anything work like this before and God we are aware of many good holy books to have enough power to remove all the worries of the mankind and we have heard of these but only few have experienced the power that the holy books have and God we now want that the good holy book of Aman have more power than any book ever had and God we do not mean any disrespect to any of the holy book and the only reason we want to make this request is that the things are very easy to understand and God we were told that this is the very reason of introducing the New-religion so God we want You to grant this prayer and give this book of Aman prayers a very good power so that anyone who wants to give out good vibrations and anyone who needs any help can very easily get it from this holy book and God we are told that the prayers of Aman will be answered fast and so God no one will now need to go anywhere at all for comfort for Aman will grant all that there is to grant and God Aman will be the closest source of power for all and God all will then listen more to the angels of Yours and God then all will be in a good way of getting all the help from the heavens and God then the good people of the earth will need this book so much that all the good places will make this book available for reading and then my God all will live in harmony and peace because anyone who will read this good book Aman will be in the know-how of the way the book is supposed to be used and God all the children will get a good way of knowing through the messengers of God and all the good people will need to learn too so God please send Your prophet to us who can give all the know-how to good people so be it my God.
Prayer –
God please we are all very pleased with the introduction of this New-religion and God we are now confused because if now there is going to be only one religion then we will not have different ways of worshiping You and God this will be very much like doing the same thing and God if all the things are same and if all do the same things to worship You then some may not want to do this all the time and so they will all think that there are many to create the good vibrations and God once again we are told that that will only be good on earth so once again we all will feel that there is no need to create good vibrations as long as we do not create any bad ones and God if this is going to be the way then many will forget that You exist over a period of time and God if this happens then once again people may start to create bad vibrations which no good soul would want and God this would be very confusing situation for all of us and God still we do not understand any reason for creating any more good vibrations in a situation that everything is going to be good and God please we are not confused to the need of being good because we all want to be good and we all want to do good because that will be the only way to be happy so God please give us a good understanding to know what the correct way will be and God if it is going to be that by creating only good vibrations we would be able to live in peace then God we will need a good help from Your angels to be able to do so and God it is only then that the people will realise that even when the situation is very good still people will need help in many ways and God people will need help for many reasons and the starting one will be the hard times of a mother who will have to give birth the hard way and from that time onwards the mother as well as the coming soul will need a lot of help to grow and to do good and God then we may soon realise that the good vibrations will no longer be needed to keep the bad vibrations away but the good vibrations will be needed to help all to live in peace and harmony and God this good way of living will soon be a happy one and all the good people of the earth will realise the need to create good vibrations will be the way for making progress and God the progress of anyone is at the highest levels when they are at peace and when they are able to live in harmony and God this is now going to be the greatest challenge on the new coming generation so please help us all my God.
Prayer –
God please give us all a good way to go to a good place and listen to what the good prophets have to say and God we want to go to this good place as much as we possibly can because God when we are at a good place we will absorb good vibrations and then God we can listen to the good prophets and God this will help us to be able to know more about Your ways and God this will open our minds more and we will be able to live our lives exactly in a manner that You have planned for us to live and so be it my God.
Prayer for the good prophets to say when they have nothing in particular to do except create good vibrations that these vibrations can help all on earth –
God please give me a good way to be able to give this good earth some good vibrations that the earth can get to be more and more better as I say these prayers and God please give all of the good prophets a good prayer to pray all the time so that they can keep on creating good vibrations all the time and God even though it can be hard to understand this easily by the good prophets themselves still God please give good prayers for all the prophets of the good earth.
Prayer for all to say when they want to do something to help other people but are not sure whether those people really need only help or whether those people are asking for help only for the reason of their comforts –
God I want to help as many good people as I can who all are in need of help and God I find that once I help anyone then they keep on asking again and again for my help so God please give me a good understanding to be able to know the good intention of the entire situation God because I want to help only those who need my help and not those who want me to help them with something that I can do for them so that they can let me work for them which in turn can become relaxing for them and God if I keep on doing this and help people only for the reason that they be more in comfort then still my God I will make them feel happy which will create good vibrations but God the good vibrations that will be created if I help those who really need more help will be greater so God please send to me only those who really need my help and God I will try my best to make all help all others who need help so God if anyone comes to me for help I will make this good soul to come forward to help some other good soul in need and God if this soul is then not willing to help others then God please make this soul feel to be unworthy of any help and please God then keep this soul away from me in a manner that this soul does not want any help from me so be it my God.
Prayer –
God please give all of us a good way to be close to one another and God if we all are close to one another then we can get closer to our angels and You my God because by being close to one another we will be able to generate enough love to be able to get enough good vibrations that are needed to make this earth a better place to be in and God please give all of us a good way of loving one another and God we want all to love one another so that they can help each other and we all can live in peace.
Prayer –
God please bless all of us with a good prayer and God by a good prayer we would like that we be in Your thoughts God and God we want this good prayer so that we can not only get a good comfort from the good prayer but also we want that we get a good angel’s help from this good prayer and God these are the two things that we will always need and God we would like this good prayer to be very simple and yet very powerful because we want to say them more and we want to create highest possible good, good vibrations so God please grant us this good prayer as soon as You can and God please also see that this prayer is made available only to the very deserving ones. (Second part) - God please give all of us a good angel’s help to do that You want us to do and God please let no one do anything that You do not like and God we promise to be good because we are at good level of understanding and so we are aware that we are here on this earth only to get a good progress to get close to You faster and so my God that is the only thing that we are looking for my God and God with a good help of Your good angels we can do this very easily for the reason that we will be well guided and we can now not go on any path of the evil ways so please do help us my God.
Prayer for growing good, good vibrations on earth only –
Please help all people on earth good, good God Aman to help all good people to grow very good, good God’s vibrations because if now there are no good, good God’s vibrations then growing on earth becomes very difficult to become strong and powerful so please good, good God Aman help all people on earth to grow good, good vibrations so that each person now grows well on earth and also please help as many people on earth to create good, good God’s vibrations so that now only the good, good God’s vibrations grow up on earth and grow into good, good God’s forces of good natures on earth so please help me good, good Aman also to create good, good God’s vibrations for myself so that now all people on earth grow good and please help as many people to grow good, good God’s vibrations so that people grow only good.
Prayer for all good people on earth to pray for good people’s progress in the Spirit World –
Please help all people on earth good, good God Aman now only to pray for spiritual progress from this good, good God’s earth to grow good prayers for the spiritual growth and progress for all people going into the Spirit World and please help these people only in the Spirit World to grow proper prayers for themselves so that all good, good people on this good, good earth also now grow good, good vibrations with the good, good people on this good God’s Spirit World so now people on earth can pray for all people on this good, good God’s universe from earth and also from the Spirit World.
Prayer of all people on earth to pray for all people in the Spirit World for instance like growing on good God’s wavelengths or for helping people on earth to grow good, good God Aman’s vibrations –
Please help all people on earth good, good God Aman to please help as many good people as we can to grow good, good God Aman’s vibrations on earth so now people in the Spirit World also grow up properly and please help me to grow up properly and please help me to grow good, good vibrations on earth so that people on earth only grow good, good God’s vibrations so now please help good, good people to pray proper good God’s prayers on earth good, good God Aman so now please help all people good, good God Almighty to help people on earth.
Prayer for people on earth to go and pray for all people on earth to help each other to pray and please help as many people as you can good, good God Aman –
Please help me good, good God Aman to help as many people on earth so now only very good, good people on good, good earth grow good, good God’s good vibrations so that now growing on earth only grow to good, good places of sources of good, good energies so please help people to pray.
Prayer for helping each person in the Spirit World to progress –
Please help me good, good God Aman to now pray proper Aman prayers so that now only people on earth pray for progress for all people in the Spirit World so that now prayers only help all people from praying to good, good God Aman now only from good, good people on earth now so please help people on earth only to pray properly good, good God Aman Almighty from now onwards to understand the rules of the nature of Aman so that now people on earth only spread good, good God Aman’s good vibrations so that now no evil can destroy what people on earth are now growing vibrations for good, good reasons to grow up properly so please destroy good, good God Aman all evil vibrations that grow on earth at any time on earth because now only good, good vibrations on good, good earth only have the only say now in the Spirit World.
Prayer –
God please give all of us a good way of knowing how good we really are and God all of us have a very good feeling that we really are really very good but God this is not so and God if it was so then my God we would have been creating only the good vibrations and God we all would have been at peace with all and God we would really like to have a good way with Your help or with the good help of Your good angels and to be able to know immediately when we have not been good enough and God since all of us now think that we are being good goes a long way to show that none of us want to be bad or create bad vibrations and God the only people who are creating any bad vibrations are those who are doing this very wrongly and God because my God it is very possible that they are in some very evil ways so God please keep these people very far from us till the proper time comes of them to get completely destroyed and God now only the good, good vibrations are going to be the only way of earth so my God please bless us all with only that and God please let us now be able to be able to be in a very good position to be able to understand not only good thoughts but God also the good thoughts of all those who are giving out good thoughts and God we will need good help from You because God this is one of the very hard ways of ours to be able to understand.
Prayer for the good messengers when they want to give out good vibrations –
God please accept this good, good prayer of mine and God my prayer is that please keep me very close to You so that I get no bad thoughts and that good will be the only way for me to be and God please give me Your love so that in turn I can give Your love to all that I come across and God I want to give Your love to as many as I possibly can so that the people of the earth can be at peace and so that they can learn to love and God I know that this will please You the most so God please bless me with this prayer.
Prayer for the good messengers to say when they feel that some vibrations that are not good are in the good places where they are saying their prayers –
Please my dear God please help me and protect me from the bad vibrations that I am feeling and God these bad vibrations are not allowing me to communicate enough to receive all the good messages from the good heavens and God please destroy all these bad vibrations so that I am only now left with good vibrations and my God please give me a way of knowing the source of these bad vibrations so that I can destroy the source that is causing these bad vibrations to happen my God.
Prayer for the good messengers to say all the time and on every occasion where they want to give new set of vibrations to anyone –
God Almighty please give Your love to me and also to all those who are around me at this moment and God please let us all get Your love and God please let all of us feel Your love and God please let all of us feel Your good presence around us so God all of us can now get a whole new set of very good vibrations and God please also give these only to the very deserving ones and to only those who have placed complete trust in You and Your ways.
Prayer for the good messengers to say when they want to go away to different place so that they have enough time to think of God and His angels –
God please give me some good place to visit and God I am asking for a good place to visit where there is nice and quiet and also where there is a lot of peace and good vibrations my God and God please also let me have time enough at this place so my God I can return with whole new set of good vibrations and God please let me be at peace so that all that I do when I am away is God that I be in Your thought and also of Your good angels’ so God I can get Your love and also the good love of Your good angels so God when I am thinking of You I would also like to receive some more good information of Your good kingdom and my God this would be the best way to be for me.
Prayer for the good messengers to say on good days when things are going wrong that is – that all the plans are getting upset for some reason or other even when the days are giving out best vibrations –
God Almighty please help me – these are the good days when the good vibrations are of the highest order for me to perform well but God for some reason or other all the things are not going as I have planned so God I do not understand what is to be done so please God give me protection so that I can do that I have put my plan into.
Prayer that the good messengers may say this good prayer any time that they would like except when it is time when they are in disturbed mood – so this prayer is only to be said when the good messenger is in a good quiet or a good happy mood –
God Almighty please give me all Your love so God I can spread more good vibrations than those that I am spreading now and God please give me more protection when I may come across to meet someone who has only bad vibrations and please my dear God please keep a closer watch over me when I am with those who have more bad vibrations because God there is no way that I will be aware if someone is giving out some bad vibrations and God I want to give some good help to even those who give out bad vibrations only for the reason that if I try hard enough then I can make this person to be a good source of good energy so that this person can then start to be on the way to give out only good vibrations and please my dear God please guard me when I am with such people because if their bad vibrations cause all my good vibrations to be exhausted then my God I may get some bad vibrations that may affect me very badly and my God I do not want this to happen at all but still my God if this should happen then my God please give me some more help so that I can get all my good vibrations back at the shortest possible time and God please give me some way for me to know very soon enough that my good vibrations will not match up with someone’s bad vibrations so then my God I can then approach this person in a good manner that my vibrations starts to over power those bad vibrations and God please protect me when I do this to the extent that I do not lose any steps in my levels because God that is not what I would like at all and so God please help me to be only helpful to those who need help and to those who are trying very hard to step up their levels so please help me my God.
Prayer for the good messengers to say when they are all alone and they want to be at peace and to think only of God so that they can make enough good vibrations to protect their family and all those who the good messengers want –
My dear God Almighty please give me Your love and God please give me enough love to protect me and my family and also my far off family whose names are ______, ______, (and these names should not be more than ten) and also few of my friends who are very good people of the earth as they help all a lot so my dear God please give us enough love of Yours for all of us and God please give my good friends a good way to always be on Your path and God most of all I want the friends of mine to get all Your love and Your protection and God please grant all those whose names I will now read a good angels’ help whenever they need the good help of Yours my God and the good friends of mine are ______, ______, (and these names should not be more than five) and please my dear God please give me a way to be in all the good thoughts of Yours so my dear God I can keep on creating the good vibrations that all of us need so much and God please keep me safe all the time and God please I will keep on doing all Your good work and God any work that I will now do will be always in Your good name my God so my God dear God please, please give us all who were in this prayer a good thought and good protection of Your angels and most of all please give us all Your good love.
Prayer –
God Almighty please keep all the good prophets of the good earth well protected and please God please give them such powers that these are easily recognised by the good people of the earth and God please give them good thoughts all the time and God it is so very important for all the good prophets to now have some good powers so that they can be of help to all the good people of the earth and also God so that they can create such good vibrations that the evil cannot then come near the good earth and God then this can also be one of the good ways of keeping evil as far as possible from the good earth.
Prayer –
My dear God Almighty I am saying this good prayer today because God I am feeling very good and God this means that today has to be a good day for me and so my God I want to be very thankful for this lovely day and God I want to be in Your thoughts more today because on any of the good days more good vibrations of earth can be sent and received by all and so God I want all to create more good vibrations and God please also give me more of Your love today and please God please bless me with more such good days.
Prayer –
My dear God Almighty please give me a good way to get a lot of good vibrations of the heavens and God I am asking for these good vibrations for the reason that I can then place more good vibrations only for the reason of destroying all the bad ones that are now there in my surroundings and God I do not know the source of these bad vibrations so God please after I destroy these bad vibrations please let me know the source that created these bad vibrations and please God give me any help that I may need to destroy the source of any bad vibrations so be it my God.
Prayer –
God Almighty please give all the good people of the good earth a good way to be good all the time and please God we are aware that praying on daily basis can make all to be on Your good ways but God please give us all a good way so that we can also experience on our own that we are keeping to Your ways and God please make all of us love each other enough so that we can help each other and God please give all a good way to understand that love is the only way to progress and God please answer all our good prayers of love so that all can love more and please God please also make it known to all that any disrespect to anyone whether on earth or to anyone in the heavens will only cause to generate bad vibrations so my God please let no one give out any bad vibrations and God please let only the good vibrations survive so God bad vibrations can now find no place on this earth so God please help us all.
Prayer –
God please be with all of us during the time when it gets to be very hard for all the good people of the earth to be good so please God only Your good vibrations can give good vibrations that are enough to comfort all the good people of the earth and please God this is a very special prayer that we are saying and my dear God we are saying this because someone made some mistake and we do not have the required amount of good vibrations to keep us all going on the good ways of the heavens and God before it can get out of anyone’s hands please give Your good vibrations and God I am asking this as one of a very good favour of Yours and God after that we will have a good long time off to thank You and we will make a good promise amongst all of us never to repeat such a mistake again and God if anyone causes to put others in a way that this promise breaks then my dear God please give us all a good angel’s help so that we can know why this keeps on happening and God if bad vibrations of any kind have anything to do then my dear God it is only You who can then be of help to destroy all the bad vibrations so then my God please destroy all those bad vibrations and then my God please give all the good people a way to power themselves by getting together and by saying a good prayer themselves with anyone who is willing to join together so that a good powerful way of generating good vibrations can be made and God in this way of praying on regular basis will then keep the bad vibrations at the minimum possible levels so please my God help us all so that we too can keep on destroying the bad vibrations on a very regular basis and my God please keep all the good prophets informed that any form of collective prayer should not be done on daily basis and that at least one day should pass before another collective prayer is said and God if this keeps on going for many days to come then God You would not be very happy so my dear God please let all the prophets have a good knowledge and a good prayer to destroy bad vibrations only with Your help and only after a few breaks of few days depending on how bad the bad vibrations are so please help us all my God.
Prayer –
My dear God Almighty please give me a good way to know all those who are on Your ways and please my God also the ones who are not on Your good ways and please God I would like to know this only for the good reason of spreading more of good vibrations and my God what I would like to do is plan out a good way by which I can teach more to those who are on Your ways because they would not only be very interested to learn more but also for the good reason that they could even spread more good vibrations because my God they are already on Your ways and God for those who are not on Your ways it would be very important for me to see that they are in Your good know-how and that they start to be on Your ways without any further waste of any more time and God please give me an angel’s help very fast if I come across any soul who will not easily accept to be on Your ways and God it is my wish that there be not a single good soul who is not made aware of Your good ways and God please if there are any such good souls who need a good help to get on Your good ways then please my God please guide these good souls to me so that I can immediately put them on the right path and my dear God if I have to even travel very far to do this then my God I am prepared to do this but God if the travel requires some good means that my God I do not have then please my dear God please give me the good means that are needed to fulfil my mission to teach as many as I can to understand the importance of being on Your ways and to impress upon all that it is so very important to pray on daily basis and God please give all a good understanding that it is very important to be on Your ways or else the entire term of being and living on this good earth could get absolutely wasted and God after reaching the good heavens once again no one will ever like that the entire term of living on the earth got wasted and my God what would be most sad and disappointing would be to know that someone actually lost some levels instead of gaining it so please my God please let us now not waste even one single moment and my God please let me be able to help all those who seek help and so please, please help me my good God Almighty.
Prayer –
God please give me a good way to be able to tell all that it is very important for all to pray on daily basis and my God this is one of the very hard tasks for any of the good prophet of the earth so my God please help us all to do this and God with Your good help anything can be achieved so please my dear God please help us all to be able to make everyone understand this and my dear God there are many more reasons to pray to You than many actually know and realise and God one of the good reasons is to be in Your thoughts on daily basis and my God it is only then that we all can be good and do good work but my God these are not all and God if we pray to You daily and God if we are more in Your good thoughts then my God we can generate more good vibrations and more good vibrations can then collect and make us more good with each passing day and God these can then make us get more better thoughts and God also more good thoughts of higher and higher order and God this can then cause us to progress more and God more progress will always make us more happy and it will also give us more comforts and God this will then result in all being able to want to live in peace and harmony and God if this is achieved very fast then God all can have good vibrations of highest order and then God these good vibrations will help all because then my God no bad vibrations can find any way to be side by side with all the powerful good vibrations so please help us all my God.
Prayer for the good prophets to pray when they are actually plotting for a good place of prayer –
God Almighty please give me a good place to pray from and a good place where there are no bad people around and no bad vibrations are there so God all my good prayers can now reach to You and also God so that the good place from where I will pray can keep all the good vibrations so that these remain there and get to be more powerful each time anyone says a good prayer from there and God please let this place be one that is accessible to many and God please let many also get a good thought that this is a good place to pray from and God please bless this good place in such a manner that anyone praying from that place can not only feel Your good presence but also get Your love so that if this person praying has a simple wish then God it may then be granted so please make this place one that is now blessed by You my God.
Prayer –
Please my dear good God Almighty please give some good thoughts to any of us good prophets of the earth so God we can now pray a good prayer which can now give a good protection to all the good people of the earth and God to those good people of the earth who are close enough to the prophet who is praying this good prayer and God if nearly all of the good people wish that they be so protected then please my God please get all the good prophets of the earth pray such prayers and God this will then add power to those good vibrations that are going to keep the evil far from the good earth so please bless us my God.
Prayer –
God Almighty please I am praying this prayer only for the reason of generating more good vibrations so that these can now add up to those that already exists and my God please let me keep on adding all the good vibrations to keep on making even more powerful good vibrations and God it is my wish that the good prophets also do this so God there are such good vibrations which can then make all on earth feel very happy and my God also because very strong field of good vibrations will then resist all the bad vibrations and then my God no evil would ever want to make any attempts to get to the good earth and God even if evil still tries to break through these very powerful vibrations then we will be very confident that it will not find any success and God not only that but the evil will start to lose their bad vibrations very rapidly so that these bad vibrations become so weak which will in turn make evil very weak my God and evil will then on evil’s own not want to come anywhere near the good earth so please my God help us all to make all the good vibrations more powerful with each passing day and God the most easy way for us to achieve this is through the good prayers so my dear God please give all a good thought that it is so very necessary to say prayers on daily basis and please let all the good prophets of the earth keep on praying as much as they all possibly can.
Prayer –
God please give me some good way to go to some place where there is good and only good and so my God that I can be there for some time and say some good prayers to make many different good vibrations and God if I can get these fast then I would like to return fast to my home place and God if I happen to like the place where You will now send me to then my God I will thank You and say a special prayer asking You to give me a new home place so that I am then good and only good so please help me my God.
A powerful prayer for the prophets to pray –
My dear good God Almighty please give me some good prayer to pray and God I want one for my own use so that I can create some good vibrations that are second to none if I were to pray any other good prayer and please my God I am asking for this good prayer because my God now I have enough time to pray more and God I want to pray more and God I want to pray a good prayer of the highest level that I can pray so please bless me my God with a very good prayer that You would like me to pray.
Prayer for the good prophet to say after the good prophet got the good prayer that the prophet asked for –
My dear God I am so very happy to receive the good prayer that I asked for and God I like this prayer a lot so please my God please give my good thanks to any angel who composed this prayer for me and to suit my needs and my dear God I now promise to make this prayer my one of the good daily prayers so please my God bless me and give me Your love.
Prayer –
Please my dear good God Almighty we all want to spread more good vibrations and my God the most easy way is by being good in all the respects of Your laws my God and God please let all be good so that more good vibrations can be created and God being good ourselves is more important than teaching others to be good and God we can teach others to be good only after we have made ourselves good and God we must all be good also for the reason that if we are good then all those who are not very good will try to be good at least when we are there and God still it is enough because this has made some souls realise that this soul was not as good as this soul would like to be and so a small lesson was actually learnt by some soul and God so now if this soul is given some good thought then my God this soul may not only take our good example to be good but will also understand that being good is so very different and once any soul is able to experience then my God this soul will try the very best also to make similar souls to be good and God this will help us all my God so please bless us all my dear good God Almighty.
Prayer for all the prophets to say when there is a need for some more good vibrations – for example on some bad days – or occasions when someone has started to fight –
My dear good God Almighty please give all the people some good protection of the heavens my dear God because we do not want any peace on this earth to be disturbed and God I am praying this prayer because God I have some good reasons to think and feel that there is some disturbance and that some peace may be disturbed so my dear God please give us all the good protection that we need and God if for this protection I am asking for needs some work on my part then my God I am prepared to do anything that You will ask of me so please God keep us well protected now my good God.
Prayer –
God Almighty please be with all the prophets of the earth all the time my God and please give all of us Your love and some of Your good power so that many good people of the earth can be helped so my dear God please give all of us some good manner of then spreading more good vibrations and so please give me and all the other prophets a good blessing to achieve all that we all set out to achieve.
Prayer –
Almighty God please we all are in need of some strong and powerful vibrations so God we can destroy some bad vibrations or some evil forces that we are now feeling and God these have been here for only past few days and God we want to destroy these completely so please give some of us prophets these good vibrations that we now are asking for so some of the prophets can get together and pray our good prayer with Your powerful new vibrations so please my God please keep us all well protected my dear good God Almighty.
Prayer –
Please my dear good God I want to be so good that I do no wrong and God I know that no person can ever think that this can be practical as long as we all are on earth but my dear God this is my wish so please help me and please God give me an angel who can be with me all the time to look over me and stop me from doing any wrong and God please I am prepared to do anything to achieve this because God I am now at a stage when nothing is important at all and the only thing that is important to me is to be in Your good thoughts so that I do nothing but keep on creating good vibrations and God please if there is any way that I can achieve this then please my God show me this way soon and God please grant me this wish only if You feel that I am deserving enough and God please keep me away from all the worldly people so God that I am not at all distracted in any way and God please once You grant me this wish please see that I do not slow myself down and please see that I progress in a positive manner so that what I am thinking of achieving is achieved and my dear God if I cannot achieve completely still God I will feel more satisfied that I did do all in my own power to be very good and to take a good part to get closer to You faster so please now please bless me my God.
Prayer –
Please my dear good God Almighty please give me some good way to give my good vibrations to someone well deserving and please my God I want to give the good vibrations to ______ so that ______ can get started to build some good vibrations in the own good manner of the level that ______ is in so please God I am prepared to lose my own vibrations for the sake of ______ and God I promise to say more prayers to see that I also now rebuild the vibrations to the same level that I previously had so please help me my God.
Prayer –
Please my dear good God Almighty please give me some good way to be able to know what the good time of my retirement is and God after I retire I will not guide or help any person on this earth and God even if someone is in a very urgent need of needing my help so please help my God to retire now because now I want to spend my time only in the thoughts and God I now will only keep on asking You for more and more information that the heavens may have to offer and God please let no one think that I have given up Your good ways only because I turn down some help because God now the good vibrations that I will create will be those of the highest order that I ever created and God this will be the greatest possible help to anyone on this good earth and God I can only consider myself fully retired when I get some good angel to be with me at all the time and God only if I can possibly see some good angels of Yours or at least once and God in a good manner of my thinking so that I may not have doubts on anything that I saw.
Prayer –
Please God give me some good way to go to some new way of Yours so God I can now start a new way of creating some good vibrations and God please I am asking of this because my angel tells me that now I am at a good level of having good vibrations and also because God I am now in a good position to give all that it takes to do what is required of me and God any new way will be a hard way because God it may take me some more time to understand everything very accurately and God I may need to practice more than what I would for any known way so please my God now is the time when something new can be started by me and God once I can get to do what is to be done then God I will teach many more so it may get easy to those who may learn the new ways so please bless me my dear good God Almighty.
Prayer –
Please my dear good God Almighty please give me some good way to go to any place without any fear and God please if anyone is afraid of any evil lurking around then please guide these souls to me so that I can destroy any evil with the good power of my good vibrations and with the good power of my prayers so please help me my dear good God Almighty.
Prayer –
Please dear God please give me some good way to give some love even to those that I do not like and God only if I am sure that these are actually some very good souls so God I do not disappoint anyone who is good so please my dear God it is my wish that I can love all those who are very good and please my dear God if I can keep on doing this in a good way then my God I will be able to give good vibrations to all that are really good and please God I would like to teach a lot so please my God let all those who are really good now benefit from my knowledge so be it my dear good God Almighty.
Prayer –
Please my dear good God Almighty please give some of us a good way of being good so God no one can do anything to make them bad so now they are not at all in any position to give out some bad vibrations at all and so God they can now always remain good to spread all good vibrations and also spread the good knowledge of all Your good kingdom and so God they can always help others to be good so God they all in turn help more good people and so good God Almighty soon earth can be full with only people who are in no position to give out any vibration that cannot be called ‘good ones’ so God then the people can now all without any exceptions be called as ‘good people of the earth’ so God then earth can again be as some very good place that was planned by Your good angels and after that God we all can then move to some even better place together where there are no worldly needs as we see them now so now all can be very powerful themselves to be able to destroy any good evil.
Prayer –
Please my dear good God Almighty please power me with some gift of heavens so God I can now see some of Your good helpers on this earth so God I can tell them if they do not know that they should now also do some of Your work for which they were sent so God more good can now be done and God please also please let me be aware of those who are also aware and help the good people of the earth so God I can give them some more good, good vibrations when some of them are in good need of these and my dear good God Almighty I would like to help as many of Your good helpers that You would like me to help and God there could be no better way than this to make good progress that You dear God want all of us to make so please, please give me this good gift my dear good God Almighty so now I can also do more so God I do not now feel that I do not have some good strength enough to be of some more service to You my dear good God Almighty.
Prayer –
Please my dear good God Almighty please give me some good way so God I can now only love and please good Almighty God I want to love all those whom You may wish that I do love so please my dear God I once again ask You for Your love so God now I can also love even some of those who I find very hard to love so God I only love because it is Your wish and God if at all I find it very hard to do this then please my God I will ask Your good angels once again for some more strength to go through this so that I can also start to learn to love those who sometimes are very hard to love but still my God at times it can get very hard to know and understand if I should love some who may not be on Your good ways and please my dear God I can love only those who are on Your way only and not those who think that they are on Your ways so please my dear God please keep such people even if they are not really bad but if they are not on Your ways far from me so please God I can always be blessed with good vibrations only and so God I do not lose these to anyone who is not really on Your ways.