All Mankind And New-religion
Of All The Religions

Prayers relating to Jobs
Prayer for those souls that are in need of getting a job –
God please give a job to me which is going to be a big help to me for maintaining my family and myself and with pride of a very good soul and God please grant me a job soon and I want to be proud of myself through that I have achieved with Your help and please let me have a job that I like and please let me pull through with Your help.
Prayer for those who are poor and for those who find it hard to cope in the difficult times –
God please give me strength and courage to go through the difficult times with dignity only to be proud of Your doings and only to be a God fearing person and only to will of You my God.
Prayer for a good person to say when he has lost a job suddenly and was not expecting to face such a situation –
God I have lost a good job that I was doing so faithfully and for a good period of time and now I am not having anything to do so God please help me because I cannot bear this pressure for several reasons and the main one is that I would like to be occupied and God it is not my intention to get any help from any of my friends or any of my relatives so please God please give me something to do so that I can be proud of myself and so that I can fulfill all that I have to do so please help me God.
Prayer for those who are in need of a place to be on the very, very difficult day or very difficult ones that are bad on the job –
God please give me a place to be quiet and to be myself as I had a very bad day and I do not even want to talk about it to anyone and all I want is to do is to be on my own so that I get all of the time to reflect on what happened and to realise if I made any mistakes and to reflect if I can correct them and to know the way of how to correct if these were caused by me and God if these were not any of my fault then please give me a thought of what could have happened so that I can get the correct soul on to see it and to set the matters right.
Prayer for all good people to say when they want to do something big and they think that this is out of their bounds to achieve it –
God please give me a good angel’s help to achieve what I feel is otherwise very hard to achieve and God it is only the feeling that I am getting that this job is very hard and actually it is possible that it could be a very simple task and God I would like Your help only if You feel that it is hard to do all by myself and God please guide me and help me to get over this feeling if the good job is actually an easy one and God all I am asking for is to be able to do this in a very successful manner because all my future could depend on the successful completion of this job.
Prayer –
Please God Almighty I am so afraid because God I am now going to start something that is new as far as my worldly ways are concerned so God please bless me so that all my work can be easily done and please God I am afraid also for the reason that if this new work causes me any worry or God if I am not able to cope with something of what I feel is not easy then please God help me so that I can also do all Your work in some manner that You will like so God I can be very satisfied so God please help me to do all that has to be done so now we all can be able to do what is entrusted to me so be it my good God Almighty.
Prayer for those who are in need of a place to go for relaxation like walks in parks or open spaces and these are not always so very easy to get –
God please give me a place where I can relax after a hard day’s work and God please give me peace and make me feel a better person and please let this place be near to my home or place of work and God I am prepared to move my home or work place to get this.
Prayer which will make you work properly –
Dear God please make me work well – I am willing to work well with my full effort – please You must let me work properly.
Prayer for good people to go and do a lot of good God’s doings like for instance going and getting a good place of work –
God please help me go and find a suitable work place of a good surrounding.
Prayer for those that are need in of a good family life after being busy in their job after long hours of working every day –
God please give me a good family life so that there can be a good balance between my working hours and the hours that I can spend with my family and God please also give my family good sense to appreciate that I am putting long hours only because of my sincerity and love of the family.
Prayer of love for all those who may want to love their people more like to be able to love all at work or all at home or all in a particular place of people of all walks of life -
God Almighty please give me strength enough to do what I can and to make my life and the life of others around me more and more meaningful and more and more goodwill can spread with it my lord and I will do my best to honour all that love has to offer and more than what I cannot do without is the love of all the good angels and the love for my family and the will of the angels and You Almighty God and I can say with pride and dignity that I will be a very good soul and that all my angels and all those who are blessing me are going to be happy with all my doings and my God I will also do my best to obey all Your laws and try to spread the teachings of Your laws – God please do me a favour and now that the work of Yours is the most important thing that the world needs, I will do my best to get all the help I can to see that all the laws that are laid down by You are obeyed and that there is no excuse for anyone not to follow them.
Prayer for those who are in need of a helping hand of God for completing the unfinished work –
God please give me an angel’s help to finish what I started and only if this is a good project and only if You think I will benefit from once it is completed.
Prayer for those who need help to do what they are actually good at –
God please grant me a profession for which You have planned me to do and also please grant me a good place to work from and I will always do my best to uphold the profession and I will help all for the sake of helping and not just to make a good fortune, good pay or good money only for myself – I will also do my best and I will also do everything only to be of use to all and to obey Your laws and for every good souls I will do my best to take care and to see that all are comfortable and I will also do everything that the good souls are put before myself and I will also do my best to look after all those who are weak and all those who deserve help and all those who want to be good and to be of use to others and I will also do my best to overlook all the misgivings that the good souls may make unknowingly.
Prayer for those who are in need of a good place to be in for all the work they do – like a good office premises to work in –
God Almighty please give me a place and let this be a good place with good and tidy atmosphere – the place where I am now working is where I was sent with good angel’s help only but I need a more better and cleaner place so please help me to get one my God.
Prayer for all the good souls that are good and are in need of a new place to get a new place for going to work and going to places where they would like to be in for the sake of a betterment of life for themselves and their family –
God please grant me a place to work which is better than my present one and God please give me a good place to do the work so that I am not at all disappointed of the new place of work and God I will do my best to help other good souls to settle in a more quiet manner to be of use to me and to be more better than what they are at present so be it God.
Prayer for those who are in need of a good person to protect them at work like a good boss or a good team leader – a good person to lead may not necessarily be a good soul – a good soul may not be a good team leader –
God Almighty please give me a person to work under who is not only a very good person but also a very good soul – I will consider myself a very lucky one to be able to have one like that because I am aware that a good team leader may not be a good soul so be it God.
Prayer for those who are in good offices but want to change their offices for some reasons of convenience like being closer to home or like being closer to the offices of their loved ones or like being closer to the offices of their partners so that they can go and come together –
God please change my place of work and God I am not asking for this because of not liking the present one but because I want to be near the office of ______ (name of the person) and God please grant me this wish for I am very lonely and I miss this person and I miss this person a lot and I want to be as near to this person as possible and God I also want to be near this person’s office so that I can also think of possibilities of travelling together and that will make me very happy and God I promise to give all a good prayer so that they can spread Your messages and so that we can all live in a better harmony with each other please God also grant me this wish so that I may be able to get good company for most of the time for which I will be very grateful.
Prayer for those who are in need of good company at the office –
God please give me a good company at office who can be a good friend to me and who I can trust and who will help in my hour of hard work and God please give me a good person who is also very clean and one who has good habits and God I will promise a good friendship in return and I will help this good soul to do all that there is even if it means that these office people may consider this person to be able to do more better than me and actually it could have been my effort that got this soul all these good credits.
Prayer for those who are in need of help to get a business started –
God could You please give me a thought to start a business if business is there in my way of life and will You please give me support to get one started in a good place and in a location that will make my business prosperous and God will You please grant a good soul to look after my business and warn me if something can go wrong on a year of bad year for a loss.
Prayer for those who are in need of some help to get the business started on a very large scale and for those who are in need of a lot of resources of manpower and finance –
God please grant a good angel to me so that I can start a good business in a very large scale and I want to do that only to help a lot of people and I want to help and employ a lot of people who are good souls and who want good ways of leading their lives and God I want to do this for the point of getting good people only and so God please give me help to find these and God please grant a good angel to watch over me that I don’t get led astray and employ bad people who will be nothing but trouble to me in the long run and God Almighty please let me have sufficient funds so that my business does not run into any sort of difficulties and this is not only for my sake but also for the sake of all the good people who will be in my employment and I won’t do anything that is going to keep a good soul from starting his own business and I will even help him do good in his own business so that this can also help my business in return.
Prayer for the good people to say when they are in problems of a different kind meaning like those who are in trouble because of mistakes that they made at work but they exercised every care and precaution and even so they went wrong –
God please help me and I need Your help a lot today because I am told that what I did was not correct in all the ways that I was expected to do but God I did put all my heart into the work but still for some reason that I can’t explain the end result was not what was expected of me and I still think that I did everything right and so God please help me so that I can set the record right.
Prayer for those who are in your office and you are not sure of what they are thinking of you and you want that they should have a good impression of you and your work –
God please give me a good angel to help me and to make a good impression to all with whom I am working and God please give me a good company who knows what is going on so that I can be guided by this company and in doing so my good thoughts along with my good work are spread around the office and I promise to help others and make them feel good so that more good work will be done for the office and all will stand to benefit.
Prayer of all the good souls to say when they are in need of a good place to be in all the time of all the people who are there and not giving them the cooperation by very bad greed –
God please grant a good place so that I can be with myself and so that I can reflect on what has been happening and my God I need the cooperation of the people who I am working with or I will not be able to do my best and get the result that is expected of me.
Prayer for those who are in a good managerial position but find it very hard to cope because they don’t have good or enough people to do the work –
God please give me a good way of being able to run the department that is entrusted to me and God I cannot do this in the way that the things are going on so God please help me to get a good solution to provide me help to do all that there is to do to keep my department running efficiently and God please give me a thought to be able to do this in a way that all can cope with.
Prayer for all those who are in need of some power to do their work better and to do the work in a way that is appreciated by their seniors at office or at places where someone needs to do something to impress –
God please give me an angel so that I can do my work very easily and very accurately and I am asking for this big help because I need to impress my good superiors who will be judging me on completion of this work that I am told to do and God only for this particular work I want angel’s help because I am not prepared for it and because it appears very hard to me so help me God.
Prayer for those who have not got enough to keep up a set standard for themselves and their family and this is only for those who are in need of a few things to be on par with others of similar group but not for anything more –
God please grant me wealth enough to keep up to the standards of those that are living around me and for keeping all my family members happy and I will not get proud of that and I will not think very highly of myself – I will use the wealth also to help others who are not so gifted and I will work to the day I can and not even think of living off wealth of others – I will also help all the good souls to do what they are supposed to do and I will provide all the protection I can to the good souls that are not in a position to work for themselves and I will promise all the good souls a good friendship and I will protect all the laws laid by You my God and I will give my life for the well being of my family and I will protect all moments of peace and quiet for all the people to spare a few moments of love and peace.
Prayer to ward off all the evil forces from ones home or from ones work place –
God I have a good level of understanding of Your ways and of Your laws and God I also pray on a very regular basis so my God I am very anxious that all my prayers are reaching You safely and God this can only happen if all the bad vibrations go away from where I am and God I also make it a point not to be near any bad places or any such places where I know for certain that evil exists and God I also do not go to any place where evil tries to attract me and yet God I am certain that evil forces are always around us for the reason of trapping us at a slightest possible opportunity and God I spend most of my time at work or at home and God if these two places are free from all the evil forces and all the evil creatures and all the evil ways then my God a good part of my time will be free from bad vibrations so my God please grant me this prayer so that I am not exposed to bad vibrations a lot and God this will be such a great help to me in itself to be able to get closer to You sooner and easier so God I once again ask You to get all the evil out of my home and work place.
Prayer for all the fathers to say when they feel that they need to do more for the family and this is not to be said by a mother even if she is the sole earning member of the family –
God please give this humble soul enough work power so that more can be done and my family needs a bit of more money to get only a little bit of more comforts and I don’t mean a lot of luxuries – I only want that no one in the family feels left out and I don’t want any of my family members to work and get some income only because I cannot afford to give them what they want and God my family does not want more but if we can get a bit of extra money and even if it means that I may be required to put a little more effort by the way of overtime or additional job then God I am prepared to do this and God I don’t want this on a regular basis but only till we can come out of this situation very happily.
Prayer for a mother to say and this prayer is to be said only by the mother who is a sole earning member of the family and not if she is an extra earning member of the family –
God please give me a good helping hand of someone and not to do any charity to me but to give me more than what I really deserve and God I am asking this only because it is very hard for me to cope with the present situation so God all I am asking for is that I do the same sort of work but get paid more for there are many who will be happy to reward me this way for all the good working knowledge and all the good working habits that I have and they will do so only because they are cash rich and that they pay their staff well.
Prayer for the good souls to say when there are bad people around and when this good soul is tempted to do work in good environment with bad people and when this soul also risks of earning a very bad name –
God please give me a very good team leader very soon because all the people with whom I am working have bad ways and I know that few people who were good are also bad now only because they were put in a situation to do bad things not only by the whole team but also by the team leader and God it is my understanding that a good team leader can change everything and God I want to remain good and I want to help all the good people which I am not able to do in this environment and God I want a good team leader soon as I feel that those who were good and have now become bad will revert to their good old ways and will do their best to become good once more and God this will also help us to generate very good vibrations so please help me God.
Prayer for all to say when they are in need of some help of God but are not sure whether anything will work out just by saying a good prayer –
God please grant me a simple wish and God I want this because I need it to do a lot of things and God I am saying this prayer because this is my last resort and I have exhausted all other means to make this happen and my God I am still not very sure whether I will get this because I tried all other hard avenues and I find that saying a prayer would be the easiest way so please also help me God to understand this and God please grant me this only if I deserve it and God please give me a good way of knowing that I did not get this for any reason I do not get it and God if this prayer is answered in any way of Your ways and I get it then I will pray on a very regular basis and I will also tell all that I got this only because of my prayer and nothing else.
Prayer for all to say when they want a good angel’s help to do what they have tried to do and have kept on failing to do it –
God please give me a good angel’s help so that I can achieve all that I set out to achieve and God I am asking this favour from You only because I know that what I am asking for can be very easily achieved and that I am at a good level to achieve this but God for some reason or other which I am not able to understand I cannot achieve it even though I have everything that is needed and required so God please give me a very good help for which I will be very grateful and thankful my God.
Prayer for all to say when they need something and they want to ask good God’s help to get it for them and they know that they do not deserve but they really need it –
God Almighty I know that I do not deserve what I am asking for from You today and God I would have not asked for it and the reason why I am asking for this is because I do need it to be able to do any work properly and to be able to support my family in turn and God I will also help others with this gift and God please grant me this as a very special favour and God I will do my best to use it for the good benefit for all good people and I will do my best to share this with all so that many can also benefit and this will give us all a good way of being to be able to give more good vibrations.
Prayer for all to say when they are in need of a good angel’s help so that what is planned goes through in the manner it is planned –
God please help me to put this plan together and God I have worked very hard to get this plan to where it stands now and God this is a very good plan and God I have also discussed with a lot of good people and all have told me to go ahead with this and God now I will soon start to do what I have so planned so God I need Your help so that everything happens as I have planned and God if You feel that I have not paid attention to some aspects which could later turn out to be a big problem then God please give me a good thought so that I can correct my plan before I work on it and God if You feel that no good people will benefit from this plan of mine then God please give me a good thought or my God please let this plan get a good stop by only the good ways of the good heavens so that I can then get Your good message and start on something new which could then be more useful to all the good people of the earth and God it is also my wish that if I have now to start once again on a new plan then my God please give me a good thought right from the very start to do something that will benefit all the good people of the earth and God once I get the good new plan in place then God I will once again say this prayer so that I am certain that this new plan is a good plan and that will have all the good ways that a good plan should have and that it is a plan that is not only good but also a very safe one so be it my God.
Prayer for all to say when they want to complete some unfinished work and they want help to finish this work which was abandoned by them for over a long period of time –
God Almighty please give us a good help of someone who can help us with this unfinished work and God this work has remained unfinished not because we were lazy or because we did not want to finish but God this work has remained unfinished only for the reason that it ran into some trouble or the other and God we have already put a lot of money as well as time into it and yet it did not work out as we planned and so God we put this work aside because we thought that after some time we may get a good thought which could be a bit different and that this work will work but God we have still not come out with any thoughts that are different and God it does not look like we will get some better thoughts looking at the way that the things are going and God what is hurting is that it was a very good work and a lot of us spent lot of time as well as money as well as good thoughts and we made a very good plan too and still we failed and now we feel that if You think that this is a good work and God that it is worth completing then my God please give us the good help that we are now asking for.
Prayer for all to say when they are in a very difficult situation like for example they want to do something good for their family or for those whom they love very much but they do not have enough money to be able to do for them what they really want to do –
God please give some good means to be able to please all those I love and God I want to do so much for all those whom I love but God I have no good means available with me to spend enough for them and God please I do not want anything for myself and God all I want is that I be able to do something for those whom I love so God please give me some good means so that I can do a lot for them and God I want to do a lot for my loved ones only for the reason of making them happy so God then I can feel happy in return so please help me my God.
Prayer for all to say when they want a good help to go and get some things that are not available to complete the good project that one is working on at present and because one has to depend on someone to give them those parts –
God my good work is now held up and God I may be put to a loss because I cannot complete this good work that I promised and God I cannot complete my work because I need something that is required to finish my work and God I have done all my part of the work and I cannot do anything more till I get the remaining parts of this work and God these parts are different from what I have and I cannot do anything to make them so my God please help me to get these parts from somewhere else or God please give the person to give me the parts that I want and God if this person cannot give me the parts that I want then God I am prepared to spend some more money to get these parts from someone else and God if that happens then God please help me to find another good person who can give me these parts regularly so that my work is not held up and God please make me get a good person who is very kind enough to give me these parts at a good rate of business and at a good level of good work so that I get them not only regularly but get them at a good way of being able to make a reasonable profit and God I want that this person also stands to make a reasonable profit too.
Prayer –
God please give us all a good way of life on this earth and God we all want a way to be happy and God we want a good way of life on earth and God by that we do not mean that doing nothing will be a good way of life and God that will be exactly the opposite and God we are all looking to the present day situation and God we are so mixed up with all the work and disturbances everywhere because we feel the disturbances all around us and we feel the disturbances not only in the work places but also at home and there are only few good souls who are free from these and they love what they are doing at work and at home and in their spare times so God what we want is a good situation like this where we can go to work as happily as we would like to be and be at home as happily as we would like to be so that when we are at work or when we are at home we always feel that we are at a good place of a holiday and God this will make us all very happy for all our lives and God what we would also like is to have a good company wherever we go and God this is important too because good company can make everyone feel good and God please make it known to all that what You are now planning is to make this world a better place to be in and God to make this place better there has to be a lot of progress in all the fields of good knowledge and God a good progress needs nothing but work, work and more work God please give us all the strength that is required to work a lot so that we can give good vibrations and good thoughts to all and the good thoughts can be the only way to progress and after that my God what we need is to give these good thoughts some good ways to make them work and God for that we need many good ways of working so my God please give a good occupation to all so that no one feels left out and God please give all some work at all times so that they know that there was everyone’s involvement in all the good projects of the earth and that the earth is better place to be in because all are working to make the world a better place so my God please give all of us the good ways to progress and God we understand that good progress will be so very good and so very great that many new concepts and many new ways of living are going to now come and soon this world will be very different place to live in and God the difference will be in each and every aspects of life and can also make new ways of giving of birth and also the way of conducting rules of life and so God please give us all the required knowledge as soon as You can so be it my God.