All Mankind And New-religion
Of All The Religions
Prayers relating to Family
Prayer for protection if there are any disturbances –
My God please protect me and my family against all the evil forces all the time and particularly when I am thinking of my angels and You my God and other good souls in the heavens above and all those who are trying to bless me and my family.
Prayer for the welcoming of good souls on very special occasions such as on good days for remembering something like weddings, or birthdays or on days when you are celebrating –
God please send my loved ones who are in the heavens and who want to bless me and my family on this special occasion and give me their good blessings and please let me get the benefit of all my loved ones to be with me and my family and I will be good and I will welcome all good souls so that they can also bless us and that they can do all that they can to give us comfort and bless all our loved ones as they are there with us.
Prayer for all the family to say on good feasts and days of having a hearty meal of the days on feasts of some celebrations of some festivals or of some occasions –
God please give me more such feasts so that I can share my love with all those who are present here and with all who are here and this is the whole family that I love and I’ll promise to love all that are present here and help all those who need help and I will give my life for any of them if in any way they are troubled. (…and these prayers are to be said only if the family members are there and no one else like other relatives and friends…)
Prayer for the good messengers to say on the good occasions of their family members – be it good birthday or a good day of any celebration of any kind –
God please bless my family and God we are all so very happy because God we love each other a lot and God please keep my family together all the time because there is no gift more precious than the good gift of love so God please give all of us Your love too.
Prayer for those who have not got enough to keep up a set standard for themselves and their family and this is only for those who are in need of a few things to be on par with others of similar group but not for anything more –
God please grant me wealth enough to keep up to the standards of those that are living around me and for keeping all my family members happy and I will not get proud of that and I will not think very highly of myself – I will use the wealth also to help others who are not so gifted and I will work to the day I can and not even think of living off wealth of others – I will also help all the good souls to do what they are supposed to do and I will provide all the protection I can to the good souls that are not in a position to work for themselves and I will promise all the good souls a good friendship and I will protect all the laws laid by You my God and I will give my life for the well being of my family and I will protect all moments of peace and quiet for all the people to spare a few moments of love and peace.
Prayer of all of a good family to say at the times when they are all together –
God please give all of us a lot of love because love is the most important thing to make all of us get closer to You and God we are all together at this moment only because of the bond of love so please God love us all and help us to get closer to You.
Prayer for a good person’s good word to bless all of his good friends and all the family –
God please give all a good way of life so that all are happy and God please give all a heart to be satisfied with what is given and God please give all of us a good thought for all of the prayers to say and I know that this is the only way that all can be at peace with all the people of the earth and all are in need of living in peace with one another and God please give all a good thought to be happy and only then will anyone love enough to be able to get close to You.
Prayer for people who want to protect their families –
Please God protect my family from harm – please give them proper protection from people who wish to do them harm – our family is very good – please place them in a safe place far from people who wish to harm them.
Prayer –
God please give all of us a good way of getting what we want and God please give this to all of us in the family not only to get some peace but also to be at all the ways of sharing everything and God we are very happy to receive all the good things of what the heaven has to offer and God we are seldom very thankful for that and God this is not because we lack gratitude but God this is because we have learnt to take everything for granted and so God please give us a good way of understanding all that we already know that we cannot have anything if You do not wish us to have and so God let us all who are so very ignorant now know that sharing is the best way to get the benefit of everything and God also give us all a good sense to share everything freely and the real test of sharing can only be understood when we are also able to share all the pains of our loved ones and also share equally in the things that require very hard work or else God we are not at all worthy in any way to accept anything that is offered by Your angels or by anyone my God.
Prayer for people on earth to say for all good times on earth –
Please help me good God Almighty to help people on earth to go and have good people at all times around me and my family and around my place of work at all times.
Prayer of good God to pray – a good prayer of good people to pray a lot of good prayers –
Please help me good God to pray good prayers for myself and for good people of my family to go and become only good at good Perjorap.
Prayer for doing pleasant work –
Please You must let me enjoy my work God for though I want to work hard, I feel that I need more time to be with my family – please do make my hours less at work to make me be happy with my family.
Prayer for all people on earth to help each other when God’s helpers from the heavens are now in the process of going away to the new good God’s universe –
Please help me good God Almighty to help a person in my family so that people from the good heavens go and help other people in the new good God’s universe.
Prayer for all to say when they are in need of a good help under some special circumstances –
God please give us a good help of a good prophet who will get all good messages to You and God I am asking this of You because right now I am very afraid and God I am very afraid even though I have complete faith in all Your ways because I need this help very fast and God I know that this can be very hard to be granted but God it is not because of my doings that this urgency is there but God this is because of the very nature of the entire situation and God please grant this to me because if this prayer is not granted very fast then not only I but also my family will be in some difficulty and God even though I can face all the difficulties I do not want any of my family members to face any difficulties and God I want this because I love all my family members very much and God I also feel that all of them are very good and that they also pray on a very regular basis so please help us all God.
Prayer to say when you are not well or when some of your family members are not well but this is not to be said for any other person not even your closest friend –
God please give this person a good new life and God I am asking You of this because this is a good family member and is always very good and helps all of us a lot so God I cannot bear to see this person suffering a lot and God if at all You feel that there is no other way and if You feel that for some reason this good soul has to suffer then God please give this soul enough strength to go through all that is required so that this soul can get all the good blessings that it deserves and so that this soul may get a good rise in the levels or get a good rise in the good step of the level that this soul is in.
Prayer to say when one is sick and this is to be said by some person for one’s own self and not for others but this is for some very serious illness and not the small ones –
God please give me strength to go through this illness and God I am not sure whether I will pull through this illness and be with my family once again and God if I am granted more life with my family I will be very grateful for the reason that I love my family very much and God I also would like to be here on the good earth because I like being here and God still if You think that now there is a good reason for me to leave this earth then God please give my family good angel’s help so that they know that I will not be far from them and God if they know this for sure then God their pain will be less so God please bless them with a good way of knowing this my God.
Prayer for all to say when they are in a very difficult situation like for example they want to do something good for their family or for those whom they love very much but they do not have enough money to be able to do for them what they really want to do –
God please give some good means to be able to please all those I love and God I want to do so much for all those whom I love but God I have no good means available with me to spend enough for them and God please I do not want anything for myself and God all I want is that I be able to do something for those whom I love so God please give me some good means so that I can do a lot for them and God I want to do a lot for my loved ones only for the reason of making them happy so God then I can feel happy in return so please help me my God.
Prayer for someone who is very lonely because of death of a loved family member like a father, mother – the word death has been used for the first time – and this is for those who would not be in a position to understand the exact meaning of ‘passing away’ – some aspects of which we now get in this prayer –
God please give me the good strength that I really need and God I am told by many that after our term on earth we pass on and start once again another life in the heavens if my God we have really been good in our last life on the earth and God we are also told that if we have not done things that we came with a plan then God we are again sent back as soon as You can possibly send all of us and God if we have done all the good things that You wanted us to do then my God we are told that You would then like us to be as close to You as per our good levels and God then we can progress in some good manner and keep on getting closer and closer to You and God we are told that this can be done in many different ways and God if You think fit You may even ask some of us to take a rebirth and God we understand that if a good rebirth is ever suggested by You or any of Your good angels then my God we will be well protected and God if it so happens that we start to lose our levels then God You will give us a good angel’s help so that we can then start to correct our ways and if we are then able to improve upon our doings and if we can get closer even at a very, very slow rate then my God please give us a good term so that we can improve upon our levels than what we were at and God if we keep on falling then God please keep on giving a good way of not falling enough to be at a level lower than that we were born at and God if we have fallen into some bad ways of the bad people of earth then God please give us early recall so that we can once again return to earth under a new way of living which can then help us to be able to get closer to You my God and God if we have been aware of all help that we are getting from the good angels of Yours and God if we knowingly do bad things which we very well know are not of Your ways then my God please take away all the good help of any good angels that You have given us to support our good doings and God we will then be aware that though we will be praying to You on daily basis we will know that our prayers will not reach You because we have no good angels who can take our good prayers to You and God still if it is not too late then God we will do all the good work of heavens and God if we do that then my God please let some good soul or good angel of the earth take note of all the good work that we then do so that they pray for us and God they will pray for us because they will have a way of knowing that it is very important for them to pray for us and God when this happens please extend our term of our life on earth so that enough good can be done with the help of these good people and their angels and so God we get what we want in the end and the only thing that any of us want is to get closer to You and God if we have now understood all of this very well in the manner of heavens then God we will be well aware of all the good working of the people of the earth and all the good working of all in the heavens and God it is only then that we can very confidently say that we on earth now have full faith in all the good working of heavens and that all of our loved ones who have always been good on earth are now in the good heavens and if they have been really, really very good then they are more closer to You and my God they will always be very eager to help us all in every possible way and then God we should actually be able now to realise with a good knowledge that they will be wanting us to be good and that they will do their best and take our prayers to You so my God please let no one of us now feel the pain or sorrow when any one of us leave earth to come to join You in Your heavens because my God this is the way it is going to be always and my dear God there can be no change to this so my God please give all a good way to be very sure of this that we can always look forward to keep on getting the good help of the heavens and God please give us a good angel’s guidance so that we always remember to ask for help only when we really need a good help and God also to ask for comforts only if we really need the comforts that we are asking and God please let nothing be ever granted if we are not deserving enough so please my God give us a way of being able to be close to our loved ones after they are with You in Your good heavens so be it my God.
Prayer the good messengers must say daily –
God please let all of my family and me be protected by You and God if we are well protected by You then my God we will have nothing to worry about and God we will then be always in a good position to serve You in the exact manner that You will always like so be it my God.
Prayer for the good messengers to say when they are not able to give a good attention to the God’s work that was entrusted to them due to they not being in the position to give complete attention due to some sickness in the good family –
My dear God Almighty please help me and God I really need Your help now for the reason that I made a good promise to You that I will do Your work to the very best of my ability and God now I am not able to do this in a good manner that You would have liked only for the reason that one of my family member is very sick and God I cannot concentrate on anything because I love this family member so much and so my God please give me strength to do Your work in this very hard situation and God I do not mean any kind of disrespect but God I would be so much more happier if this family member whom I love so much is completely cured from this sickness which in turn will make all of us so very relieved in all our earthly manners and of all the pain that we are now suffering from and then my God I will once again be left to do all Your work with my fullest concentration and God please grant me this if my family member deserves to get cured fast enough so be it my God.
Prayer to be given to the good people of the earth by the good messengers only when they find that the good soul has tried to give the good things of life to his family but failed for some reason or the other like for example losing his job or not being able to earn enough to afford the items and this is not for affording the good luxuries of life but the good luxuries for the family like good machines to be able to do home work – like the good machines for the kitchen or like some good machines for the entertainment of the whole family or like that of the machines that can be of use to the children for being able to do the good work at the school –
God please give this person a good means and God I am now giving this good prayer to ______ (person’s name) so that ______ (person’s name) asks for a few things for his family members so that their work can be made easy and also because that they can do their work in more efficient manner and God I want You to power this good prayer only to the extent that ______ (person’s name) asks for something for his family and God not for anything that can be called of ‘item of luxury’ that is beyond ______ (person’s name) earning capabilities.
Prayer: God please grant me a few items that I need to make the life of my family members very comfortable and I want to make them feel happy to some extent and God I will not keep on asking for the good favours like this again and again and God please also bless us all that we are all very satisfied with what we have and please my dear God please give us a good blessing that all of my family and me get enough few good things of life so that we are able to place ourselves as equally as we possibly can with the rest of the people with whom we live with.
Prayer for the good messengers to say when they are celebrating some occasions of joy like someone’s wedding anniversary or someone’s birthday and they may say this even if they are not with those celebrating and are far from them –
God please bless ______ on the good occasion of ______ and God I want You to bless this good soul for the reason that I know this soul and this soul is very good and on Your ways and also because this soul helps all a lot and God please also give peace to the family so that this soul grows fast and so that this soul can get closer to You faster so be it my God.
Prayer of comfort that the good messenger may give only to those the good messenger knows personally and is very sure that the person who gets the prayer is of a very good family background and that this should not be given to those who are not married or are parents who are divorced but it may be given to good single parent who has lost a spouse but has at least one child and not if the spouse is now alone without children –
God Almighty I have been given this prayer by the good messenger of Yours and God I am saying this prayer to get a lot of comfort out of it and God I want more comfort because I feel that I am all alone and God I am very confident that I have the good help of my angels and You my God but in this good world of Yours I am still very alone and God I want comfort for the good reason that my ______ (name) is no more with me (or is with me but is not able to support my doings due to being near invalid) and God my love for my _____ (name) is so very great that there is nothing that I can do except live in the good memories of the good days we had but God this good child (or children) that I have needs to be brought up in good ways to be able to learn all about the good ways of Yours and also the good ways of the world and God I find this very hard to do all on my own because God I also need to make some money for our living and all the good time of mine goes to earn my living so God please give me a good way to bring up my child (or children) in a good manner that I would like and God without having to get a new soul mate.
Prayer that the good messengers may need when they are away from home and they are away on some worldly matters to do –
God Almighty please let my family get my love as well as Yours so God they do not feel lonely and so that they are brave in all the situations that they may be required to face and God please keep them well protected so that they are as safe as they can possibly be and God please give them all the strength to be able to feel Your good presence and to be able to feel all the good presence of their angels as well as Yours my God.
Prayer that the good messengers will need to say when someone is very sick and when this soul or any of this soul’s family or any of this soul’s friends wants a good comfort for this soul –
God please comfort this person who I think is a good person who in my knowledge does not cause any reason to give out any bad vibrations but God I am now saying this good prayer because I have been asked and God I have been asked only for the reason that the prayers of all of us who are praying for comforting this soul reach You and God so please give this good person a good comfort and God if this good person can be so comforted that this person can get cured then God that would be the good wish of all who are here praying for this soul so please my God please give me the good way of comforting this person to get well and to be at peace with all.
Prayer for the good messengers to say when they are not at home and are missing their loved ones –
God please give me Your love and God please also give me some good love of my family and God please give me all the means to get the love of my family till I am once again with them my God and God please let all of my family get my love too.
Prayer for the good messengers to have and they may only say this good prayer if anyone of their family members ask the good messenger to pray when they are in tense sort of situation like, for example, exams are near or that the good day of the exams are getting nearer –
God please give Your love and some comfort to ______ because God ______ is very excited and tense only because the good day of ______ that ______ was waiting for is getting closer and closer and God actually there is no reason for ______ to be tense but still comfort ______ with Your love.
Prayer for all the good messengers to say when they are in need of some worldly good which they do not need themselves but same is required for the use of their family members so that they can do their good work in a way that they can do themselves and not depend on others to be able to do some small work – for example having a small sewing machine to make or repair some clothes –
God Almighty please give me some means in a good way so that I can get something for my family which they would like to have and God I am not sure if these things can be called things of luxury because God for some these can so appear to be the good things of luxury but God I need these only for the good reason that these items will be put into good use and my God also for the reason that we can get our work done quicker and also my God these will in fact save us lot of money because these things will be well used over a long period of time and my God I am saying this prayer for the good reason that still I am not very sure if this can really be called items of luxury which is not in my good means to have so please help me my God and God if I can get these even from someone who has no use of such items or if someone wants to get rid of it but not for the reason that these items may not be of use over a longer period of time then too I am prepared to accept this as a gift from You if I am so guided so please my dear God please grant me this good prayer
Prayer for the good messengers to say on the days of victory of some family members when they played a game or when they achieved some good results in something good –
God I thank You on this happy occasion of victory of ______ and for achieving this good result on a good day and I am so very happy and proud and God I also ask You to bless ______ and all of the team that participated and God please give ______ enough understanding that though ______ worked hard it was also Your wish or that of Your good angels’ that some benefit be showered upon ______ and so God please keep ______ to be in a good way of doing more good things so that with each success and with each victory ______ becomes more aware of the good abilities that ______ has and so please God lead ______ to more good ways my God.
Prayer for the good messengers to say when they are all alone and they want to be at peace and to think only of God so that they can make enough good vibrations to protect their family and all those who the good messengers want –
My dear God Almighty please give me Your love and God please give me enough love to protect me and my family and also my far off family whose names are ______, ______, (and these names should not be more than ten) and also few of my friends who are very good people of the earth as they help all a lot so my dear God please give us enough love of Yours for all of us and God please give my good friends a good way to always be on Your path and God most of all I want the friends of mine to get all Your love and Your protection and God please grant all those whose names I will now read a good angels’ help whenever they need the good help of Yours my God and the good friends of mine are ______, ______, (and these names should not be more than five) and please my dear God please give me a way to be in all the good thoughts of Yours so my dear God I can keep on creating the good vibrations that all of us need so much and God please keep me safe all the time and God please I will keep on doing all Your good work and God any work that I will now do will be always in Your good name my God so my God dear God please, please give us all who were in this prayer a good thought and good protection of Your angels and most of all please give us all Your good love.
Prayer –
Please my dear God I am now a little afraid because God I am not in a good position of my worldly wealth and God please I do not mean that I need anything more than Your love and good God I am well aware that You are always looking after me and God the fact is sometime I feel Your love so much to even believe that I am Your very favourite person on the earth and God I am blessed to be able to talk to You but still my dear God I am not getting a good support of wealth enough to be able to support my family or so my dear God I feel and my dear God Almighty I am not at all worried for myself but God I am worried for my good family and God I do not want any of my family members to have anything that is less than what they now have and so please my God let me not be in a good position so that I do not provide for my family as I have done in the past and my God I am only praying this prayer to get some comfort in asking what I am asking so please do help me my dear good God Almighty.
Prayer –
God please give me some good way to know what is being told to me so that I can do all that requires to be done and God please give me some means to do all that is being told so my God I can now feel safe and sure of my well-being and the well-being of my family so that all are in some good protection of Yours my God and please my dear good God Almighty give us all a good way to be in a good way of worshiping You my dear good God Almighty.
Prayer –
Please my dear good God Almighty please give my family some new protection of the heavens and God I am asking this because God somehow I feel that some force is acting on some of my family members and they are not prepared to pray on daily basis and God no one can accept this to be a way of any of my family members and God they themselves do not know why they get this positive feeling of not wanting to pray and God please I have prayed many prayers of protection to keep them well protected still my dear God no change have come to them so please God I am now making a good request that You please look into what is happening and God if need be please ask some of Your angels to design a new protection to keep all of us well protected.
Prayer to be said often –
Please my dear good God Almighty please give all of our family Your love so that all of us get a very close place next to You and God we are praying this prayer because we all think that we are at a good level to pray this good prayer and also because God we love all in the family of ours now without any exceptions so please help us all, all the time my dear good God Almighty.
Prayer –
Please my dear good God Almighty please give all some good way of loving all those who love them and God it is important and please we do not mean to love anyone except in a good manner of loving and God a good manner of loving is by giving help to those who need help and please God let all the good people be guided to the good people so please my God all are helped and God please let us love as many as we can but only to the extent of all our means and please God let us not love anyone more than our family because my dear good God Almighty if at first we cannot love our family and help all in our family then please my God we will not be in some position to help anyone else and please my dear good God Almighty it is possible that some good family member decides to go into some way of experimenting some different way which may be called a ‘new way’ but that way may not turn out to be some good way that You my God would like so please my God then please let us all help such a person to now understand what is going wrong so that good way can be found to make good return on the good and correct way of Yours and still my God if nothing goes as we wish then God we will stop all our help so that Your angels can then be their guides so God we are now left to help some other good people of the earth.
Prayer –
God please give me some good way to go and get some good new things for my family and please God please let me get only those things that all need and please God please give me some way to get those things in a way that I do not pay anything more than what the thing is worth and please God let some angel guide me so that I do not get something that can lose its usefulness soon enough and God please if I am guided to get anything and God if it is not very useful still my God I will use it till the end of the life of that thing.
Prayer –
Please my dear good God Almighty please give me some way to make my members of the family love all the members of my family so God all are very close so God they help each other and please my dear good God Almighty please give all of my family members some understanding that nothing comes before one’s own family on this earth and that all should learn to protect all the good family members so God now all in the family are at peace with each other and so God now more protection and love is felt within the family and please God do not let anyone not want this in my family.
Prayer –
Please my dear good God Almighty please give more love to my family members so God all can love all within the family and please God we want all of my good family to help each other and God I want all my family members to be able to protect each other and God if this now happens in all the good family members of this earth then God earth will be a very nice place to live in so please help us all my dear good God Almighty.
Prayer –
Please my dear good God Almighty please give me some way so that I can now discuss with all my family members the importance of living in peace with each other so God more can now love all in the family and God I do not want even a single member of my family to be in some different or bad ways so that some may not want to extend some helping hand to those who need some help so please my dear God Almighty please help us all my dear good God Almighty.
Prayer –
Please my dear good God Almighty please give us all Your love so God we can now love in turn and God please love is the most important to all of us so please God give us more and more of Your love so we can give others more and more love and please God please give me enough love to love all but God I would like to love all only after I am in a good position to love myself and my family above anyone else and God please if I love anyone more than I love any of my family then please God somehow make this good soul a good part of my good family so that God I can also teach this soul everything that I have taught my family so please God let me then keep on loving others too because God someone in my position cannot but love so please God make all of my good friends good enough to be loved by me and please God after that please make more and more people good enough to be loved by me so God all people are now good and so God all can get Your good love so that no one now is now able to think of anything that is not good so God now this earth has nothing else but good wherever I may go on this earth.
Prayer –
Please my dear good God Almighty please give me a say in my family so God all now pray in some good manner that I want them to pray so God You are pleased that good way of praying now creates better good vibrations so God now my family is blessed by all my good angels and also their own good angels so please guide my family God as I am guided so that all my family can also now progress but God if any of my family members need some good support of the good heavens then please grant this to them so God I am at peace with some good knowledge that all want to progress and please grant some family members of mine some good power so God during my absence for any reason the other members of my family always listen to them so God please let them guide those who are asking for some guidance and please God please keep each and every member of my family happy so please let us all be blessed now my dear good God Almighty.