All Mankind And New-religion
Of All The Religions

Prayers related to the death of a loved one
Prayer that all the messengers must say when someone good has passed on to the good heavens and if the good messenger is not knowing this person but if the good messenger is certain that this soul was good because many other good souls told the good messenger that this soul was a good soul then the good messenger may say this prayer but this is not to be said if there are any doubts of this person’s standing and this is not to be said if the person who has passed on has ever been to jail and there is no need to worry if the good messenger said this prayer and it is known after that that the person who the good messenger prayed for did in fact had been jailed –
God Almighty this soul who is now on the way to Your good heavens is a good soul and God please if I have been wrong in judging this then please God do not listen to this prayer any further but God if this soul has really been a good soul then please God receive this good soul in the good manner of Your heavens so that this soul is not afraid any longer and God please send all those who want to meet this soul to receive this soul and God please make this soul get all the good comforts of heavens and please let this soul get all the good comforts and good knowledge of all that is happening so that this soul now can feel Your love and peace of the heaven and so that now this soul may actually be happy that this soul is now nearer to You and God please give this soul a good work so that this soul can now be able to help all whom this soul loves on earth and God please give this soul enough work to look after the good people of the earth and God please give this soul some work to be with more people with whom this person had good contact even though those did not form any part of the good family and God please give this soul a good knowledge of Your kingdom so that this soul can now talk about Your good kingdom to people of the earth to the extent that You want all of us to know.
Prayer for all to say when all want a good soul to be saved when it is felt that the good soul is not going to be on earth for long –
God please give this soul a good welcome of the heaven if the good soul comes to You and if You have a place for this soul in Your kingdom and God I am not sure of what is happening and God I feel that this soul will soon be leaving earth.
Prayer for comfort –
God please give me comfort and God please give me a lot of courage and strength to put all the pain aside and to have more positive good thoughts when I am thinking of all those who have gone to Your heaven and God also give me a lot of strength particularly when I am thinking of all the loved ones and all those who were very close and all those who were very dear to the people of this world.
Prayer of good people on earth to have only prayers for themselves so that the good God’s helpers go and pray from the heavens –
(Pray this prayer only under circumstances like for instance a person who is now about to go and spend their lives in the ways of the lord or those who are now about to pass on into the Spirit World.)
Please help me good God Almighty to go and do good God’s help only on earth so that my helpers in the Spirit World would go and help other people on earth who go and want help from my helpers so please help my helpers to go and find a person of a good nature who will need a good God’s help on earth.
Prayer for only people who know that now they are passing on to the Spirit World –
Please help me good God Almighty help all people on earth to go and help each other to go and pray for my spiritual growth now in the heavens.
Prayer for all people on earth to help all people on earth to help each other to grow into places of worship –
Please help me good God Almighty to help all people on earth to grow into people of a good understanding of Your ways of worshiping a positive and powerful source of nature good God Almighty because all people on earth grow into places of prayer when they pass on into a Spirit World of their level.
Prayer for those who are in pain of losing someone very dear after one has gone away from their earthly bodies –
God please give me strength to bear a loss of the company of such a good soul that was so very close to me and God please give me strength to put all the pains aside and with Your help I will now know for sure that this soul has not gone forever and is there in the heavens above and God I am aware that people pass on to the other world and are very much there, I only hope that they reached heaven for that is the place I want to go and God I want to be able to meet them there.
Prayer for people who have lost their loved ones –
Dear God help me to please be strong and live properly – please keep my loved one in a good place in Your good world so that when I reach them we are together once again – please help me to play all my plans You have chosen for me – God please look after both of us – do please bless.
Prayer for the good messengers to say when the good messenger wants to comfort the family or the friend of the soul who has now passed away from the earth –
Good God Almighty please give Your love to these good people who have now lost someone who was a good part of their lives and God please comfort them and God please also let each and everyone present here feel the good presence of this soul and God please let all now know that if this soul has been on Your ways then that this soul is now at a place where all would like to be so please my dear God please give all of us a good thought that we all should be good because we are all going to face a day like this once one day in our life.
Prayer –
God please give all of us a good welcome when we are about to enter Your heavens and please give us a good welcome of good angels of Yours so God if we have been good enough to deserve it and God we are asking for a good welcome because we will not know anything of heavens so good angels can guide us to do all that is necessary to do and God we do not want to make any mistakes and God a good angel’s help will also be required by all of us so that we can do all that is needed if the good angels give us all the knowledge of the good heavens so God we think it is very necessary for all of us to be welcomed this way and God if we have been good enough then God we want that the good angels of Yours also bring with them some of our past relatives of the earth or some of our very good friends so God we do not feel like strangers in the heavens and God if none of the relations of ours or none of the friends of ours are able to come with Your good angels for some reason or the other then God please ask the good angels of Yours to comfort us and let us know why they could not come to meet us so God we may then feel more comfortable with a good thought that we could be meeting them soon so God please grant everyone entering Your heavens this good prayer.
Prayer for all people on earth to say during times of grief –
Please help me good God Almighty to help all people here to overcome the grief they are feeling.
Prayer for someone who is very lonely because of death of a loved family member like a father, mother – the word death has been used for the first time – and this is for those who would not be in a position to understand the exact meaning of ‘passing away’ – some aspects of which we now get in this prayer –
God please give me the good strength that I really need and God I am told by many that after our term on earth we pass on and start once again another life in the heavens if my God we have really been good in our last life on the earth and God we are also told that if we have not done things that we came with a plan then God we are again sent back as soon as You can possibly send all of us and God if we have done all the good things that You wanted us to do then my God we are told that You would then like us to be as close to You as per our good levels and God then we can progress in some good manner and keep on getting closer and closer to You and God we are told that this can be done in many different ways and God if You think fit You may even ask some of us to take a rebirth and God we understand that if a good rebirth is ever suggested by You or any of Your good angels then my God we will be well protected and God if it so happens that we start to lose our levels then God You will give us a good angel’s help so that we can then start to correct our ways and if we are then able to improve upon our doings and if we can get closer even at a very, very slow rate then my God please give us a good term so that we can improve upon our levels than what we were at and God if we keep on falling then God please keep on giving a good way of not falling enough to be at a level lower than that we were born at and God if we have fallen into some bad ways of the bad people of earth then God please give us early recall so that we can once again return to earth under a new way of living which can then help us to be able to get closer to You my God and God if we have been aware of all help that we are getting from the good angels of Yours and God if we knowingly do bad things which we very well know are not of Your ways then my God please take away all the good help of any good angels that You have given us to support our good doings and God we will then be aware that though we will be praying to You on daily basis we will know that our prayers will not reach You because we have no good angels who can take our good prayers to You and God still if it is not too late then God we will do all the good work of heavens and God if we do that then my God please let some good soul or good angel of the earth take note of all the good work that we then do so that they pray for us and God they will pray for us because they will have a way of knowing that it is very important for them to pray for us and God when this happens please extend our term of our life on earth so that enough good can be done with the help of these good people and their angels and so God we get what we want in the end and the only thing that any of us want is to get closer to You and God if we have now understood all of this very well in the manner of heavens then God we will be well aware of all the good working of the people of the earth and all the good working of all in the heavens and God it is only then that we can very confidently say that we on earth now have full faith in all the good working of heavens and that all of our loved ones who have always been good on earth are now in the good heavens and if they have been really, really very good then they are more closer to You and my God they will always be very eager to help us all in every possible way and then God we should actually be able now to realise with a good knowledge that they will be wanting us to be good and that they will do their best and take our prayers to You so my God please let no one of us now feel the pain or sorrow when any one of us leave earth to come to join You in Your heavens because my God this is the way it is going to be always and my dear God there can be no change to this so my God please give all a good way to be very sure of this that we can always look forward to keep on getting the good help of the heavens and God please give us a good angel’s guidance so that we always remember to ask for help only when we really need a good help and God also to ask for comforts only if we really need the comforts that we are asking and God please let nothing be ever granted if we are not deserving enough so please my God give us a way of being able to be close to our loved ones after they are with You in Your good heavens so be it my God.
Prayer –
Please my dear good God Almighty please prepare me for my final days on this good earth of Yours my God so God I do not now wrong anyone so God no one can get hurt by what I say or what I do so God I can not only keep my good vibrations but so God I can also create some more good vibrations so please let only those who know Your ways come to me to learn more and so please now keep me very far from all people good or bad so God I do not give any chance to make someone feel some ways to argue with me and God please if You feel even those who I love very dearly may get into some arguments with me then please God keep those loved ones very far from me and please God if it is then very necessary then please my dear good God Almighty I am myself prepared to go away very far so please guide me my dear good God Almighty.
Prayer –
Please my dear good God I am so proud of now finishing my term on this earth and my God by this I mean that I have done everything that You liked and God I did everything that I liked and so my dear God now I have nothing more to do except keep on creating some good vibrations which will help all and God till I am now here I will keep on helping all those who will approach me for help and God I will now do all my best to give all those who will listen to me all the good knowledge of Your kingdom and God I will now only talk to those who know about Your existence and about the good existence of Your good kingdom and so please God please keep on giving me more and more good information of Your good plans so God I keep on getting to know more so please God now please bless me so still I can be of use to many good people of this earth and please God let my good prayers now only be of the highest order because God now I will not pray for anything for me and God please from now on if at all I will pray it will be for my good family and for the good people of the earth so please God please help us all when we now ask You for Your help so God now all Your good angels can be pleased too and God now still till I am on this earth my God if You think that I have not done a few things that I had actually planned or my dear God if You still feel that I need to do something more then please my dear God guide me so or God now please let me now enter Your heaven’s gates and God please let me enter to the good level that I have earned and God now let my last good prayers also let me thank You for all Your good help and please God I do not know all the good angels who helped me to make my stay on earth comfortable and God what is most important for the good thoughts that they gave me to progress very fast and so please God please let each and every of these good angels know how grateful I now am so God they are pleased and so God that they also may come to greet me when I am at Your good heaven’s gates and please God I have asked all to pardon me if I did cause any hurt to any feelings of anyone and so please God if I have left anyone out then please let the good angels of such souls know of this so God they know that any good soul will and can hurt any other soul because God all are human and so God all humans have all human feelings and God all humans also have a human behaviour which can give at times some information which can be very different from those in one’s mind and God any soul who can be on Your ways will always want to be good and God I am one of the very good souls of the earth so please my dear God now please let all feel and think only good of me so God no one feels or thinks in a way that is very different from what I am feeling and thinking now so please now my dear good God Almighty please I am now in all readiness to be where You want me to be so please my dear good God Almighty please let me now be only at such good place where You my God would now like me to be.
(Please this can be prayed only once in six months so please do not pray this good prayer regularly.)