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Prayers for Destroying or Removing Evil

Prayer –

God please give all the good people of the earth a good way of knowing very soon that the shift of God’s universe has already started and that all are in readiness now and that all the good forces have now joined together to remove all the evil from the face of this earth and God please all the ways of Yours are very hard for all of us to understand so God please make it easy for all of the good people of the earth to know what is happening and please let them be aware that it is all the part of Your doings and that destruction is the only way to get rid of the evil from the face of this earth and God if anyone thinks that the good are also getting destroyed then please let all get the thought that this is not so and all the good are only going to return to heavens if their time on earth is served and if this is not so then they will be well protected and saved to pass the remaining part of their lives in peace and God please let all of us know and accept nothing that is done by Your order or Your wish can be anything that will be bad for the good people of the earth in whole of the universe and God please let all now be in peace forever as soon as all the evil is removed from earth and God please let all have the good memories of all the evil that exists now so that they fear the evil and not You my God and that all pray on daily basis to keep the evil far away from earth and God this could cause people to think of evil ways and also it could happen that some weak minds may get attracted to the evil ways in this process so God please destroy all the thoughts of all the people who get so distracted and please if this is necessary please recall them soon enough before they can start to practice any of the evil ways and so God please keep this earth free from all kinds of evil for all the time to come.


This prayer will be given a very good power by God as well as all the good angels of God – meaning that this prayer will be answered even by the good angels of God so that when God is really busy any of His angels may be in a good position to grant this good prayer –

God Almighty please be with me and God please be with me also with Your good angels so that God if You are required to go to attend some more urgent matter then my God I can get a good protection of all Your good angels also so that the good protection can then be with me of same good levels as that of You my God and God I am required to be well protected as at present I am doing some work of Yours which will not be liked by anyone of the evil world and so my God there may be good reasons for many in the evil world to join forces to force me to stop the work that You have now entrusted me to do and God please give all enough power to completely destroy the evil forces that may try to stop me from doing Your work and God now it has become even more important to keep all the evil completely away from the good people of the earth because God it is now Your good wish that no evil be anywhere near the good people of the earth so please, please help me my God.


Prayer –

Please my dear good God Almighty please give all the good prophets of the good earth some good powers to keep the good earth always good and God please since no one wants any evil now please keep us now safe and well protected and so God some good powers given to all the good prophets will help us all to keep the evil forces far from earth and God please give us some good power which if collectively used can destroy any evil that anyone may face in some exceptional cases so please my dear good God Almighty please grant us this good prayer.


Prayer –

Please my dear good God Almighty please give me some good way to go to any place without any fear and God please if anyone is afraid of any evil lurking around then please guide these souls to me so that I can destroy any evil with the good power of my good vibrations and with the good power of my prayers so please help me my dear good God Almighty.


Prayer –

Please my dear good God Almighty please let all the good people of the earth now get together to get rid of all the evil from the face of the earth and God please now all know that it is Your wish that there be no place on the earth for evil of any sort and so please let all be happy enough to get together to fight some evil force which have gathered enough power to try to destroy good so please God help us now because God with Your good help we can do anything that is of Your wish and so please God all now want to be good and all now want only good on this earth so please help us all my dear good God Almighty.


Prayer –

Please my dear good God Almighty please give some good prophets some way to power some prayers and God please at times it can get important for us to power some good prayers ourselves and please God we do not mean any disrespect but dear good God Almighty if due to some reason we find that our prayers are not reaching You or that our prayers are getting blocked by some evil force then God we would like to destroy these forces ourselves so please my dear good God Almighty please give us some good power to power our good prayers so that no evil force can then be in any position to destroy any prayers that we then pray to You my dear good God Almighty

Prayer –

Please my dear good God Almighty please give this prayer that I am now going to pray Your powerful powers so that I can then power some prayers to get them to reach You safely and so please my dear good God Almighty please give me this power to power a protection prayer now. 

Prayer:  Please my dear good God Almighty I am now praying this prayer to power those prayers of protection that are now not reaching You so please God now I want that no evil force can stop these and please God all my good angels also need some more protection so please all the good angels of some other prophets too now help each other so that all our prayers can now reach You and please God as soon as You now get some of these good prayers that we are now trying to send to You please dear God please now destroy all those evil forces that were trying their best to stop our good prayers from reaching You.


Prayer –

Please my dear good God Almighty please give some good prophets some good powers so that they can destroy some evil that is not very powerful and please God this will help all of us a lot because God we will then be more protected when some evil comes to us so please bless us all my dear good God Almighty.


Prayer –

Please my dear good God Almighty please give some of us a good powerful way of knowing when God some evil is lurking around so God we all can ask for heavens help if necessary and please God this will also help us because God before any evil force prevails on us we can all be warned and evil can be destroyed before anyone gets harmed.


Prayer for all to say when the good destruction starts and this is to be said only when the destruction starts after good signs are given and after everyone is certain that these destructions are by the order of the lord –

God we are now witnessing the destruction of the evil of this world and God it is a good way because there cannot be any other way that is better than the one that is of Your order and God we are not sure if all the evil will be destroyed and we are not sure whether only the evil will be destroyed so God we ask for Your help now in our hour of need to destroy all the evil once and for all and that no one has to face this kind of situation again and God we also ask You to save all those who are good and also to ease all their tensions when such a destruction is taking place and God we are very certain that many were timed to end their part of serving their time on earth at this moment so God please welcome all good souls into Your kingdom with a great way of heavens so that they are very happy now and that they all are very pleased with the happenings.


Prayer of good God Almighty’s help in destroying all evil vibrations –

Please good God help good people of earth and at Perjorap to go and become a good God’s source of good energy and please help us by destroying evil vibrations.


Prayer for each person to go and say when they know that now only the bad vibrations are coming and going to destroy the good vibrations –

Please help me good God Almighty to help all people on earth to have only good God’s help at all times so that now only good God’s helpers go and do good only.


Prayer for all people of this planet to pray for all people on earth to go and save the good earth’s resources so now prayers from evil persons go and get only destroyed –

Please help all people on earth good God Aman to go and destroy people with evil prayers for our good earth’s natural resources.

(Pray this prayer for emergencies only.)

Prayer for all people on earth to help each other grow on earth so that people on earth now have good God Aman’s protection so now people grow on their spiritual plane on earth –

Please help all people on earth good God Aman to help all people on earth to help all people on earth so now people on earth now only grow spiritually so now no evil can destroy good God Aman’s people’s prayers and can reach good God Almighty for His good helpers to help all people on earth.


Prayer for all people of earth to pray for all prayers of good, good God Almighty Aman to help each person to pray for himself –

Please help all people on good, good earth good, good Aman because now all people on earth need very good people to help each other on earth so please help people on earth for all years of study on earth to grow up powerfully and please help each person to develop good and sound ways of experiencing each person on earth without creating any kind of bad or evil vibrations because each person on earth is an individual to be kind and generous so now all individuals grow any kind of bad vibrations then please destroy those evil vibrations immediately so that no people on earth need any kind of good protection against all evil souls or evil spirits or evil creatures around them and so that now no people on earth will need any kind of help to pray proper prayers of protection because all good people have now grown good ways of achieving good spiritual growth without now growing any evil at all within themselves – please help all people also to be able to grow very peaceful, good and powerful vibrations now good, good lord Aman so now people on earth grow good ways of helping each other to grow good and powerful ways only from now onwards so please help all people on earth now to grow positive prayers only and no other type of prayer at all so be it my lord.


Prayer for helping each person in the Spirit World to progress –

Please help me good, good God Aman to now pray proper Aman prayers so that now only people on earth pray for progress for all people in the Spirit World so that now prayers only help all people from praying to good, good God Aman now only from good, good people on earth now so please help people on earth only to pray properly good, good God Aman Almighty from now onwards to understand the rules of the nature of Aman so that now people on earth only spread good, good God Aman’s good vibrations so that now no evil can destroy what people on earth are now growing vibrations for good, good reasons to grow up properly so please destroy good, good God Aman all evil vibrations that grow on earth at any time on earth because now only good, good vibrations on good, good earth only have the only say now in the Spirit World.


Prayer –

God please give all of us a good angel’s help and God please give us this help very soon because God we are now aware that the New-religion is already launched and God we all want to put all that we have into this exciting way of new life that God has planned for all of us to have and God we feel very happy now that we also heard that all the evil will be removed from the face of this earth and God we all can now live in peace and God we also would like to have a good protection all the time so that there can be no way for any evil to return to earth and God please give all of us some good power that if any evil at all tries to get to us then we all can have some good way to be able to know that evil is once again trying to get into our good ways of living and God all can then be in a good way to destroy this evil soon enough with the good help of Yours or Your good angels and God we will always do our best to keep the earth very clean and exactly in a good manner that my God You would like and God please give all of us Your good blessing to be able to achieve all that is planned.


Prayer –

God please give all of us a good way of knowing how good we really are and God all of us have a very good feeling that we really are really very good but God this is not so and God if it was so then my God we would have been creating only the good vibrations and God we all would have been at peace with all and God we would really like to have a good way with Your help or with the good help of Your good angels and to be able to know immediately when we have not been good enough and God since all of us now think that we are being good goes a long way to show that none of us want to be bad or create bad vibrations and God the only people who are creating any bad vibrations are those who are doing this very wrongly and God because my God it is very possible that they are in some very evil ways so God please keep these people very far from us till the proper time comes of them to get completely destroyed and God now only the good, good vibrations are going to be the only way of earth so my God please bless us all with only that and God please let us now be able to be able to be in a very good position to be able to understand not only good thoughts but God also the good thoughts of all those who are giving out good thoughts and God we will need good help from You because God this is one of the very hard ways of ours to be able to understand.


Prayer –

Please my dear good God Almighty please give some of us a good way of being good so God no one can do anything to make them bad so now they are not at all in any position to give out some bad vibrations at all and so God they can now always remain good to spread all good vibrations and also spread the good knowledge of all Your good kingdom and so God they can always help others to be good so God they all in turn help more good people and so good God Almighty soon earth can be full with only people who are in no position to give out any vibration that cannot be called ‘good ones’ so God then the people can now all without any exceptions be called as ‘good people of the earth’ so God then earth can again be as some very good place that was planned by Your good angels and after that God we all can then move to some even better place together where there are no worldly needs as we see them now so now all can be very powerful themselves to be able to destroy any good evil.


Prayer –

Please my dear good God Almighty please give me some good way of loving so God I can now be in a good position to destroy all the evil with my love and God please it is of my know-how that love is no power for anyone in the evil world to have and God if any in the good world of the evil world are ever exposed to some vibrations of love then the evil is easily destroyed and God evil is not at all attracted by love and God evil wants to destroy love so please God give me enough love so that I can use a very large part of it to destroy as much evil as I can so please help me my dear good God Almighty.


Prayer –

Please my dear good God Almighty please give me some new way of praying so God now I can get faster messages from the heavens so God now more good people can be protected in some good manner we all would like so please God we will then feel more safe and God this will make all of us now live in peace and God if all of us feel safe then God more good thoughts can remain in our minds so God any thought that is harmful to anyone is immediately destroyed so God please give many of us this new good way.


Prayer –

My dear God Almighty please give me a good way to get a lot of good vibrations of the heavens and God I am asking for these good vibrations for the reason that I can then place more good vibrations only for the reason of destroying all the bad ones that are now there in my surroundings and God I do not know the source of these bad vibrations so God please after I destroy these bad vibrations please let me know the source that created these bad vibrations and please God give me any help that I may need to destroy the source of any bad vibrations so be it my God.


Prayer for the good prophets to say when the prophet knows that the bad vibrations are getting worse even though the prophet prayed for the destruction of the bad vibrations – and this prayer is to be prayed only after twenty-one days after the prayer for destruction of bad vibrations is prayed –

My dear God Almighty I now know for sure that there are some very bad vibrations around me and God I have already asked for these to be destroyed and God I was not very sure whether there really are some bad vibrations around me but now my God there is no doubt of the fact that bad vibrations are really there so my dear God please now destroy them completely and God I am not able to concentrate enough to get the good messages of the heavens and so my God I also feel that my prayers do not now have enough power so please my God please look into what is really happening and please now my God give me enough protection so that I can now start to pray without any more bad vibrations around me and my God please give me more help so that I can now feel safe and be certain that there are now no more bad vibrations around me because God any bad vibrations can cause me to go to a good place which is far off and God I want to pray on daily basis and a far off place can become very hard way for me so please God give my place a good new set of good vibrations and God I need a new set of good vibrations so that I can now start to do all that You want me to do and please God I want to pray to You as much as I possibly can.


Prayer –

God please be with all of us during the time when it gets to be very hard for all the good people of the earth to be good so please God only Your good vibrations can give good vibrations that are enough to comfort all the good people of the earth and please God this is a very special prayer that we are saying and my dear God we are saying this because someone made some mistake and we do not have the required amount of good vibrations to keep us all going on the good ways of the heavens and God before it can get out of anyone’s hands please give Your good vibrations and God I am asking this as one of a very good favour of Yours and God after that we will have a good long time off to thank You and we will make a good promise amongst all of us never to repeat such a mistake again and God if anyone causes to put others in a way that this promise breaks then my dear God please give us all a good angel’s help so that we can know why this keeps on happening and God if bad vibrations of any kind have anything to do then my dear God it is only You who can then be of help to destroy all the bad vibrations so then my God please destroy all those bad vibrations and then my God please give all the good people a way to power themselves by getting together and by saying a good prayer themselves with anyone who is willing to join together so that a good powerful way of generating good vibrations can be made and God in this way of praying on regular basis will then keep the bad vibrations at the minimum possible levels so please my God help us all so that we too can keep on destroying the bad vibrations on a very regular basis and my God please keep all the good prophets informed that any form of collective prayer should not be done on daily basis and that at least one day should pass before another collective prayer is said and God if this keeps on going for many days to come then God You would not be very happy so my dear God please let all the prophets have a good knowledge and a good prayer to destroy bad vibrations only with Your help and only after a few breaks of few days depending on how bad the bad vibrations are so please help us all my God.


Prayer –

Almighty God please we all are in need of some strong and powerful vibrations so God we can destroy some bad vibrations or some evil forces that we are now feeling and God these have been here for only past few days and God we want to destroy these completely so please give some of us prophets these good vibrations that we now are asking for so some of the prophets can get together and pray our good prayer with Your powerful new vibrations so please my God please keep us all well protected my dear good God Almighty.


Prayer –

Please my dear good God Almighty please give me some new way of praying today because God for some reason I am not able to keep my mind on what I am doing and God I am not going to stop now to do any more work for anyone till I finish to say all my prayers that I have planned to say so please if there are any forces around that are keeping me away to say these prayers then please my God destroy these forces so God I can finish all that I have actually wanted to complete.


Prayer for the good messengers to say when they feel that some vibrations that are not good are in the good places where they are saying their prayers –

Please my dear God please help me and protect me from the bad vibrations that I am feeling and God these bad vibrations are not allowing me to communicate enough to receive all the good messages from the good heavens and God please destroy all these bad vibrations so that I am only now left with good vibrations and my God please give me a way of knowing the source of these bad vibrations so that I can destroy the source that is causing these bad vibrations to happen my God.



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